Chapter 11: We Together Always

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We made it to the bedroom and Ivan stripped my clothes off of my sobbing body and rand a warm bath. He was almost back to human shape. He put me in as gently as he could and stripped down too. He climbed in and washed my back and hair. I have never felt so loved before.

                When the water started to get cold, he got us out, dried us off, and put us in my bed under the covers naked. I have never wanted someone so much in my life. I was a mess.

                "Ivan, will you stay with me?" I begged.

                "You mine. We together always. My mate." He kissed my forehead and I drifted to sleep.

                Sunday morning came and I wanted to hit someone. In the past three days, I had been orphaned, married, and told my life was a lie... and that whole werewolf thing. That was a big thing too. Ivan was spooning me again gently rocking me in his sleep with is Billy Club poking my rear. I had had enough of this crap. The only person who actually treated me like a person was Ivan. Granted he went crazy and killed two people, but he was loving to me. I had made up my mind. I wouldn't punch someone, I would do worse. I would be an uncompliant pawn.

                I pushed my rear on Ivan as he was slowly grinding on me. He inhaled sharply. "No Anna. You push, we mate." I pushed him again. He stopped rocking and turned me around.

"You positive?" I nodded my head. I could not be more positive about anything. He even asked for permission.

He was already hard and leaking precum all over my sheets. It was a bit distressing because I had no idea what mating actually entailed and his dick looked like it came off a porn shoot for tentacle monsters.

"I go slow. You say yes?" I said yes and he rolled us so he was on top of me between my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought my lips to him. My first real kiss! He was amazing and just kept going like I was going to stop him any minute and he needed to keep kissing to survive. As he was distracting me with his tongue, he pressed his dick against my soaking wet entrance. With every miniscule motion forward he would reverse just as much. It was torture. I just wanted my virginity taken and to be done with this.

I wrapped my legs around his back and impaled myself on his cock. That was not pleasant. He let out a soft growl that turned into a moan when I started to encouraging him with my legs pushing on his hips. That's all he needed to keep pleasuring me. He had one hand on my hips and one hand playing with me all over my body.

After almost 20 minutes, I started to feel very warm and a pressure was building in my groin. He started going faster and his pace wasn't steady anymore. He breathed out a few times harshly and had the expression on his face was one of supreme bliss. I couldn't help it, I had my first orgasm with a man when I saw his reaction to what we were doing. He bit my shoulder at the same moment I climaxed, until he drew blood. Once he had broken the skin, he came. It all happened so fast, but the bite was definitely memorable. That pain wouldn't be forgotten anytime soon. He started licking my neck again, clearing all the blood off.

"You okay? You injured?" He asked in a frightened voice.

"I am the best that I could ever be. Thank you Ivan." His smile was radiant. He looked like a completely different person. I have never seen someone so beautiful before.

"My mate. My love." He whispered repeatedly into my neck. He was the sweetest man alive and he was mine.

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