Chapter 3: Creeptastic

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My brother went to open the door for our visitor. As he was walking back, there was a man in his late twenties walking behind him. He was massive, even standing near the three brutes already in the room. He reminded me of a Viking that was part demon. His scowl was scary and the scar running from his hairline to his chin wasn't helping. He had a nice suit, but that looked like it was trying to run from him too. I didn't think this could get any more uncomfortable. I was wrong.

                "jnsdiuvbiuenbvr." What the hell did he just say? He was staring at me like Grey does sometimes. Creeptastic didn't even get close to the vibe he was giving off. He slowly looked me up and down while I stared at the front door. He said some more gibberish which I was assuming was Russian. Both boys next to me moved away quickly and put their heads down. This was getting bizarre.

                "What did he just say? Where is his stuff? Not my business, but what are you going to do about mom and dad's burials? How are you going to manage a multinational corporation while playing football and getting a degree?! How does any of this make sense?" I got flustered and leaned back on the couch. It was then I realized I still didn't have my shirt on. That explains the odd looks from him and the downcast eyes from the boys.

                "Everything will be taken care of. You won't have to attend their funeral. You will get paid at the end of the two years. We have a contract for you to sign. Please put your shirt back on. You are making Ivan uncomfortable." Daemon states this like he is talking to a two year old. I do not put my shirt back on because I was pissed and wanted him as uncomfortable as I was.

                "No. I will not make him comfortable. You said I had to fake it for the interview, that I had to stay here, and that I was going to sign my life away for two years basically. This is a bunch of crap and you know it!" At this point any moderately intelligent person would put a shirt on and read through the contact or even have a lawyer look it over. Not me. I have been making excellent choices today thus far and continued on that path some more. I ran to my brother, grabbed the contract and ripped it up before anyone could realize what I was doing. Ivan did not look pleased.

                "Bad decision little sis." I don't think I have ever seen Daemon look quite so volatile before. In fact, that voice didn't sound like his either.

                "What is wrong with you? Why won't you answer any of my questions? Why do you sound like you gargled with marbles? And why does everyone look so tense and big? Why are you getting bigger?!" Their eyes started to glow and they all looked a bit like Mac in the sense of they all looked like they had rabies. This is not going well. Maybe I should have stayed in bed this morning. Maybe I should have tried to run anyway again.

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