Chapter 25: Mental Health Reprieve

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We ended up back at a hotel in the city we were just at. I texted everyone and didn't get a reply. I called Ivan and Daemon and neither answered. I was pissed. Olga and I stayed up late watching movies and then we passed out in the enormous bed.

                Around 6 am I get a text from Daemon that tells me that they are alive and that we have to stay in the city for a few days. I am not quite sure I like the sound of that until Olga suggests we go out for breakfast as a diner that serves French fries with peanut butter and relish on top. I was sold. We spent the rest of the week shopping and pampering ourselves. I had no idea where the money was coming from since I didn't have my card and Olga didn't have a job. We just kept doing as we pleased anyway. The eight bodyguards were annoying though. They followed us everywhere and stuck out like giants among ants. The lady at the spa eye raped two of our guards so often that we sent them back to the hotel for a mental health reprieve. They thanked us and sped out of the parking lot. The rest of the guys stayed away from her and the two girls that were with us accompanied us when we were at the spa.

                When the following Friday, almost two weeks, cam rolling around the guards informed us that we would be heading back today. Olga and I were ecstatic. As great as this little vacation has been, Olga misses Roman, her mate, and I miss everyone.

                When we pulled back up to the mansion, I wanted to stay positive about this, it looked like a war had gone on. There were giant holes in the ground, the fence was falling apart and body parts were all over. Why would they tell us to come back to this? Couldn't they have cleaned up the freaking yard?

                Olga and I walked in to the house and called out for anyone. Ivan came bounding down the stairs in only sweatpants while everyone else started coming out of the woodwork in various states of undress. Olga ran to Roman and kissed him lovingly. I ran to Ivan and started yelling at him.

                "You left us at the hotel for two weeks Ivan! You didn't call or even text. You had me worried sick!" I then grabbed his face and kissed him as hard as I could. "I missed you so much. Why would you do that? I was so worried. What happened?" Ivan just hugged me and kissed me back.

                After a thorough inspection to makes sure that Ivan was not injured, Ivan got a call. He was listening for a while and then busted out laughed and said something back and hung up a few minutes later.

                "You new school call. Say you truant. You get expel today." I was beyond caring at that point. I missed graduation by one month. I wouldn't make it back to the states to re-enroll and try to take exams. That is the least of my worries. Why are my parents? Where are the boys? What happened here? And how have I gained this much weight in only two weeks?

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