Chapter 14: Wrong Move

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The plane ride was not short unlike Ivan's temper. Every time a person would pass by our seats he would quietly growl. I'm certain people thought he was insane. I thought he was insane. The situation was insane. I needed a vacation.

                When we landed, it was a lot colder than I had expected. His pack was based out of northern Russia. I was thinking we would be in the southern area where it would be warmer and closer to other countries I could escape to.

                I had to butter him up a bit. I shivered a little like I was cold and then scooted closer to him which entailed me basically just getting on his lap. The airline seats let the middle arm rest go up so I took advantage of it. Here is I was faking cold in the middle of a crowded airplane so I could get some information about how to escape werewolves. That statement alone is most ludicrous thing I have ever thought yet it is reality. Started to shiver some more and the kindly werewolf put a blanket over us and started to stroke my arms to build heat. 

                "How did you get me on this plane? I don't have a passport?" If I knew that, I could get to one of those other countries easily.

                "Make passport, my mate." That sounded highly illegal which means I am more likely to get caught. He continued to rub my arms causing heat to build in more places than one.

                "When did you do that? May I see it?" I questioned him with a sexy smile and a little rubbing of his thigh. I am not above a little flirting to get what I want. He tilted his head in my direction and sniffed. I knew what he smelled and I was hoping that it could keep him distracted long enough to answer my questions without getting suspicious.

                "No. Make past year. Daemon say yes. You mine." Oh delightful. They have been planning this for a year. How did I not notice? My brother is always busy and with the two smelly twins at school and with activities. They are not exactly stupid, but I wouldn't call them geniuses before now. I have a lot to learn about my family and this werewolf thing. 

                "How did my parents die? I thought they were on assignment." I continued my hand movements and added a little leg squeeze.

                "Assignment protect guardian. She guard secret. She Evie, my cousin. I tell Evie everything. I say Evie kill parents. Evie kill parents." Well, at least his English is getting better. Maybe I should distract him more often or maybe just make him talk more.

                "So you told Evie to kill my parents. How did they die? How do you know for sure they are dead? And what secret?" I knew asking too many questions would make him stop talking. He looked at me with those glowing eyes as he squinted to see and not show them off. I had just noticed that a certain Billy Club was back in action and straining against his zipper. Since we were under the blanket, I decided to up the distraction by massaging said Billy Club. Wrong move. He grabbed my hand and pressed it against himself. He flashed me a bit of fang as he smirked and sniffed me again.

                Before I could comprehend what was going on, he had pulled me by my wrist to the bathrooms that were just ahead of us. We were in the first row of first class (thanks for the upgrade bro). The flight attendant looked at us and just looked away. He had heard and seen the aggressive noises coming from Ivan the whole trip. It seemed like he valued his life as well. That damn kid two rows behind us was yelling in Russian behind us in the aisle. The same one Ivan has been snarling at for the past four hours. Ivan shoved me in the bathroom and followed after. There was no room in the bathroom. It was made for one average sized person not one medium and one Jolly Green Giant. Maybe I should just call him Hulk since there really is no jolly in him.

                The kid banged on the closed door. I do not know how Ivan got it closed, but it was. Ivan yelled something in Russian and the kid stopped. I heard a little sob that was growing quieter as if the kid had moved away quickly. Ivan faced me and had me wrap my legs around his waist. My rear was over the toilet while he was standing in front of it. This is not my idea of romantic, but I brought this on myself.

                "Mate now. Smell good." Back to Hulk English. He started to sniff me and I felt one supporting hand leave my rear and heard a zipper move. I had pants on so this little escapade wasn't going far in this position. I was okay with that. My t-shirt on the other hand was fair game as he stuck that wandering hand on my breasts and massaged them. Pinching my nipples as he went along.

                "I open pants." Yes, he did. He ripped the bottom of my damn pants open. How was I going to walk through the airport like this? I lied. He is not a planner.

                "My mate. My love." He thrust into me not gently. I just sat there and took the open mouth assault he had on my body. He had sucked hickies all over my neck and was moving to toward my mouth. His tongue movements matched his thrusts and soon I was trying to hold in my moans of pleasure. That roaming hand came back to massage a new place down south and it took all I had not to scream when I finished. His orgasm was not so quiet. The loud roar he let out vibrated the entire plane. It was going to be a very embarrassing ride. He let me down and lovingly wiped us clean. One upside to having sex in the bathroom, handy wipes available.

                He zippered himself back up and led me back to our seats as everyone stared at me and a few people looked like they were very confused. He was behind me the entire time glued to my back. I guess this was his plan. Stay so close that no one would see the tear in my pants. Did I mention that he is not a genius?

                We were back in our seats and the blanket went back over us. I just slunk down in my seat and went to sleep. I never got the answers to the rest of my questions.

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