Chapter 6: *Sneeze*

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"What the hell?! Why do you reek of Ivan? What did you do?" That was probably the loudest, high pitched noise I have ever heard from a humanish person in my life.

                "I did nothing. He made me sleep in his room even though the few rules I laid out said he couldn't do that and then he made me wear this piece of junk shirt with no underwear. He then proceeded to sleep on top of me and wouldn't even let me have privacy in the bathroom!" I shouted in return at the women who resembled owls for how wide their eyes where. Ivan was no help as he just stood there and watched us converse with a blank face.

                "He did what?" That was not a womanly tone. In walks my brother holding flowers. The kind I am allergic to. Fun times. I start to sneeze. They all look at me as Ivan comes up behind me and holds me while sniffing my neck. This is just getting absurd. The owls and my brother stare at us and Daemon drops the flowers. "Oh, this is not good." *Sneeze*

                "No shit Sherlock. You do realize *sneeze* I am allergic to those, right?" I say as I tried to squirm out of Ivan's hold. He was not having it.

                "Wait, you're allergic to roses? Who is allergic to roses?! Ugh that's what we got for the wedding. They are everywhere. No one said anything. You stupid humans and your crappy immune systems. This is going to be a nightmare." Lucy said as I continued to try to squirm away from Ivan. * Sneeze*

                "I didn't *sneeze* know you *sneeze* had roses for the *sneeze* wedding." I quit squirming as his hold got tighter and he started to rock himself into me. That crap again. *sneeze*

                "Get the flowers out of here! She is turning red."  Kate was screaming at my brother. At least someone was kind of on my side. My brother tossed them out the door and shut it. Ivan continued his rocking and started rubbing his face on my neck. I took a quick peek and his eyes were glowing again.

                "One problem solved. Ivan, I need to see you in the kitchen, now." Daemon did not look pleased. Serves him right, the asshole, for bringing me flowers on my wedding day.

Getting Ivan away from me was a bit difficult and required Daemon threatening to bring the roses back in. A menacing growl and a few licks later and he released me. This guy has no social skills.                The Barbie twins and I started toward my room to "fix my face" while Daemon and Ivan wandered off probably to the kitchen.

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