And one day, when I clean all my dirt and eliminate any potential dangers,I could come back and be the person she deserves but not right now. And I hope that when I've slayed all my dragons,it wouldn't be too late.

"What's your story Yasmin?" I finally ask breaking the long silence.

This made her look up. She looks at me as though she was just seeing me. She shook her head.

"There's no story Yazid."

I made myself comfortable on the chair. "You can trust me Yasmin. I'll listen. Sometimes we just need someone to listen to us when we are going through a rough phase and I know how hard it is to find someone to place our trust in because we're scared of disappointments or that they don't fully understand us. But trust me Yas, I'll listen and I'll comfort you in anyway I can. I might just be a poor employee of yours but I'm a pretty good listener so please talk to me. Let it all out. I know you have a lot to say."

Taking a deep breath,with her gaze on mine, She opened her mouth to speak but then closed it.

I was too engrossed in looking at her that I didn't hear the door open until the person cleared their throat.

I saw Yasmin' s face turn sour at the unexpected visitor.

"Hello cupcake,hope I wasn't interrupting anything." The voice said and I remembered him. I didn't like the guy tho.

"Hello Salman,what brings you here?" She asked,voice cold and devoid of emotion.

I stood up to excuse them but she stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going? We aren't done here." She then turned to Salman and said. "You still haven't stated your reason for coming unannounced."

I sat back down and watched her. The other guy had a smirk on his face and I wanted so badly to wipe it off.

"I need to talk to you in private." He said looking at me with contempt. I returned the favor.

"Say whatever you want to say. I'm in a hurry."

"Princess,I know you still have feelings for me. Let's make it work baby." He said coming closer to where she was. I could feel my blood boil in anger and a raging jealousy flaming my heart.

I studied her reaction and she was cringing. Well that made me feel better.

"Salman,how dare you walk in here and utter this foolish words. No I don't like you,I never have and i never will. If you're still holding on to that crush just know that your tattle tale ruined everything because since that day, I declared you my enemy."

She said all in one breath and I was quite impressed. The guy's mouth was hung open in disbelief.

Clearly they had some old history together and Mr annoying here is trying to rekindle feelings and so far he was just pissing miss beautiful here.

He regained his composure and a determined look was on his face. I know this look so well. And what he was about to say next would change everything.

I know this because I had that look when that man who called himself my father left.

He curled his fist  and spoke slowly. "I see you've got a smart mouth now. Let's see how long that will last. You should know better princess that I don't take no for an answer. When I want something,I get it. See you around cupcake."

I wanted to intervene. To say something.. anything to defend her but this was not my place. I had no business whatsoever with whom she mingles around with but then I wish I could defend her.

He turned to walk away but she spoke. "Do you know that Afrah's been in the hospital for two weeks now? Does your mother know? I'm sure she does and I'm sure you do too,but none of you guys came to check up on her. You're all like baba anyway. You don't care about anyone but yourselves. You guys are so selfish. I hate you!" She stood up and threw the flower vase on the table in anger.

So that's why....

Now I was more intrigued. I want to know her whole story. The tears falling right now from those beautiful eyes of hers made my heart constrict in pain. A pain I only felt once..a long time ago. I shouldn't dwell on that. I shook my head to clear off the thoughts.

Salman looked apologetic for once. "I really didn't know." He whispered.

"Get out." She said.

"I'm s-" she cut him off

"I said Get out!" She screamed.

I flinched a little because I've never seen her this angry before and I got automatically angry.

"She doesn't want to see you. Kindly leave." I said.

He looked at me as if seeing me for the first time in the room. He glared,then stomped off.

Her hand was bleeding from the vase she broke. She was sobbing and my heart was literally in pain watching her cry.

I rushed out and got the first aid kit because accidents normally occur at the construction site so a first aid kit is common.

I brought the kit and opened it. I brought out a cotten wool and spirit.

Her hand was still bleeding fast.

"Can i see your hand please?" I asked testing the waters. I was honestly terrified that she'd transfer all the anger at me because her anger wasn't a sight to witness.

She sat down defeated and gave me her hand. I removed a piece of glass stuck in her palms and she winced.

I put the spirit on the cotton wool and rubbed it gently on her palm. Anytime she winced,I felt her pain right through me. My connection with her was on a whole new level and I can't help but think that it wasn't a coincidence that her car stopped that fateful day.

"Does it hurt?" I asked as I finished dabbing the wounded area.

She nods but I doubt she meant the cut. She used her free hand to clutch her chest as a new set of tears rolled down.

"It hurts so much Yazid. It hurts here." She points to her heart. "I wish I could make the pain stop."

I listened as I applied the plaster on her palms. I was so curious as to what her story was.

"Welcome the pain Yasmin because the pain reminds you that you're human. It can get unbearable at times but I know you're  stronger than that. It'll pass. They say time heals all wounds but I say time makes it a little bit bearable. It'll stop hurting but you'll be left with scars. Those scars are a reminder that you won the fight. I promise you someday you'll look back and all these would be memories. Just keep going,don't lose faith. Pray to Allah swt because he doesn't burden a soul more than they can bear. I don't know your story but I know it isn't a pretty one,just like mine isn't as pretty."

I closed the first aid kit and sat down and she had stopped sobbing,looking at me with awe.

"I want to know your story too Yazid." She says quietly.

"I promise I'll tell you someday. Now let's concentrate on you. Let it all out."

She nodded and took a deep breath.  "Well here goes nothing...."

[A/N]: Okay so obviously Yazid is falling but something is holding him back..what could that be?🤔
And salman🙄 Annoying human being.
Thanks for reading 😁
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And here are some great books suggetions:
Memoirs of Jaleelah by intisar_xx
Sisters by heart by CocoMeena
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Against our love by _ahmerd_
Lemonade with lipsdripping by lipsdripping


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