
jeongguk comes with a chain of jimin's name rolling off his tongue, hips bucking up into his hand as he shakily moans from his body being wracked with the pleasure of his orgasm. his cum lands on his stomach, and he pants, continuing to milk out his orgasm by slowly thumbing his slit.

jeongguk pants softly and comes to a complete stop after he feels the over-stimulation pain begin to kick in, eyes only rested shut so he can focus on maintaining a steady breath.


he peeks his left eye open to stare down at his buzzing cell phone, a chain of texts from someone suddenly coming in.

'good job kid. u actually listened to my instructions for once.'

'also, quit your masturbation.'

'jimin just told me hes headed to the dorms so hurry up and orgasm already.'

'i hope u get caught..'

'youre so helpless gguk.'

'oh, and he didnt let me touch him. thats good. all going according to plan, dont ya think'

'haha anyways, we'll talk later. just have fun with ur soon-to-be boyfriend~'

the last one comes in a little after the first few, as if the person was choosing their words wisely.

jeongguk reads over the messages a few times, feeling a smile tug at his lips, because it really was going according to plan. he contemplates whether or not he should respond since hes still trying to recover from his intense orgasm. though, he soon opens both of his eyes, finding himself sputtering a quick response to the person messaging him.

'thanks tae.'


when jimin arrives at the dorms, he barely manages to insert the key into the keyhole with shaky hands and get inside the dorms without any issue. when he slams the door shut behind him, he slides down onto the door, back pressed against it as he lets out another moan with his eyes drilled shut.

"j-jeongguk," he breathes out, but he knows jeongguk probably wont help him get rid of his erection. "please- may i come? pretty please? i-iv'e been a good boy for daddy.."

all that welcomes jimin is silence, though he can practically hear jeongguk smirking from the other side of the room as he pretends to be in deep thought at the question.

"well.. not yet, baby, not yet. daddy's gonna make you feel good first, since you have been such a good boy. dont you want that?"

and thats when the fun began.


the rest of the day was experimental. jimin orgasmed with a cockring several times that afternoon from having been told not to come until jeongguk was satisfied.

he had experienced his first ever dry orgasm, two more following after that, but jimin cant complain. each and every one of those dry orgasms had him arching his back off the bed more than the last time, and that cockring that restricted his ejaculation did him justice.

he was a bit hesistant about putting the cockring on at first, but after experiencing his first dry orgasm, he began to realize that the cockring only made his orgasms more intense as they continued to play around in the bedroom.

jeongguk touched all around jimins body, even finger-fucked him, but they didnt fuck. jimin had begged and begged countless times, thinking maybe jeongguk had a begging kink or something, but jeongguk wouldnt budge, instead insisting that he wanted jimin to feel good first.

they experimented with some toys that jimin had put in a box and slid underneath his bed (which he, appearently, did not hide well, considering jeongguk had found them), ultimately leading to a total of four orgasms that night, three of them dry while the last made him come hard.

but they did not fuck.

they exchanged hormone-induced kisses with clashing teeth and desperate roaming hands, but they did not fuck.

jeongguk had even gone as far as leaving colourful hickeys peppered around jimins thighs and collarbone, but he refused to fuck jimin.

honestly, it wasnt fair to jimin. he just wanted to have jeongguk buried inside him, but it didnt seem like jeongguk wanted that like he did. jeongguk remained fully clothed while jimins naked body lied on the bed, exposed and everything.

though he cant really blame jeongguk. he has a girlfriend after all, and he isnt supposed to engage in any sexual activities, so of course he wouldnt go all the way.

the next morning wasnt the best, considering the fact that his body hurt from his previous activities.

he was rushing in the shower, hurriedly trying to rid himself of any signs of his previous night so he could show up to his saturday morning class, which started at 8:00 and it was 7:52 while he was barely beginning to rinse off his body.

needless to say, jimin was late to his first class of the day, which was a bad start of his day.

on top of that, he was the only one wearing winter clothing (an oversized sweater and a scarf wrapped around his neck to hide the hickeys) in the usually hot class.

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