46~ Julian & Marisa's Bet

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My shaking hands slowly raised to the air, and I squeezed my eyes shut expecting the man behind me to pull the trigger at any second.

"P-please don't hurt me." I stuttered through tears, too scared to turn around to see who's gun was pointed at my head.

"Step away from the vehicle and maybe I won't have to."

I bit my bottom lip to refrain the whimpers and cries from escaping my lips. I stepped away from my car, my legs shaking in fear.

"Now, get on the ground." He demanded. I couldn't feel the gun on my head anymore, but I knew it was still pointed at me.

I rested my hands on the back of my head as if it would shield the bullet from piercing through my skull. Then, I got down on my knees.

"Take anything you want." I begged him. "Just please don't shoot. I have a family."

"Just shut up and stay on the ground." I could hear my car door open, and my keys turn, allowing the engine to roar to life.

I heard the car door slam shut, and before I knew it, the man drove off with my car, the gifts I had for Sage, and my purse with all my information in it.

I sat there, still on my knees, my hands covering my crying face. Realizing my phone was in my back pocket, I quickly reached for it and let my shaking hands try to turn it on, only to find it dead.

Of course. I thought to myself. I put my phone back into my pocket and wrapped my arms around myself to stay warmer. The tears left my eyes as I began walking all the way home...

-----Almost An Hour Later------

Just as I felt like my legs were on the brink of giving out, I turned a corner and my house came into view. Before I knew it, I was walking down the house's driveway.

As soon as I opened the front door, Sage pulled me into a tight hug and started bombarding me with questions.

"Savannah, where were you? I was worried sick! You didn't answer my texts or my phone calls, and you were gone for so long I thought something had happened. Are you alright?"

"I..." Suddenly my vision became blurry and my heart started to pound in my ears. My hand rushed to my head, and before I knew it, my legs were like jello and I was on the floor. Then everything went black.
I woke up in my warm cozy bed, Sage laying next to me, gently removing a strand of hair from my face.

I glanced over at him, and he had on his cute little reading glasses with a book in his hand. "Hey there love." He said to me. "How are you feeling."

His hand rested at my cheek and I put my hand over it. "What exactly happened?" I asked in a groggy voice.

"I should be asking you the same question." He told me. "You came through the front door and then just fainted. What happened while you were gone?"

I looked down at the ground, almost as if I was ashamed for not being able to protect myself. For allowing that man to steel our car and everything in it.

"After I went shopping, I went to the gas station to fill up the car, and someone pulled a gun on me..." I explained.

"WHAT?!" Sage yelled.

"I'm not hurt, but he stole the car along with your gifts and my purse."

Sage quickly got up out of bed and began pacing the room. "Did you see who it was?"

"No, I was faced the other way the whole time."

"And you didn't even bother to go inside the gas station and call me or the police?" At this point, he was beginning to raise his voice.

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