Chapter 19~ Savannah's Quiet Cries

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"Sav! Where were you?" Jerika asked as I walked up to the car. All three girls have been looking for me this hole time, I must've been gone for about fifteen minutes. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.  Once she touched me, I flinched and she pulled away. My hair was a mess and my eyes were puffy and red and my makeup was smeared all over my face.

"Can we just go please?" I said in a shaky voice as I hoped in the car. "I wanna leave... Now."

"Can we talk about what just happened?" Kimberly said as she started up the car. "We looked everywhere for you, we thought someone kidnapped you or something. What happened?" I ignored their questions and just looked out the window. As I always do, I resisted the urge to cry. I was in so much pain. My legs hurt, my head hurt, my you-know-what hurt, and all in all, I felt disgusting...

I sat in the bath, covering my face with my knees and watching the tears fall into the water. The hot water stung the cuts and bruises that were surrounding my body, but I felt so disgusting after what happened that I needed to wash off. I tried so hard to muffle my cries with my hands because the bath was making every noise echo.

These types of cries were the types I hated most. The kind where you can feel it in your throat, and your eyes become blurry from the tears. The ones where you just want to scream, but you have to hold your breath and grab your stomach to keep quiet. These types of cries are the silent ones, and nobody should have to hide their feelings...

The door to the bathroom burst open, and Sage walked in. I pulled on the shower curtain so that he couldn't see my beaten up body. "You're not supposed to be in here!" I said. "I don't care, Jerika let me in." He got closer and attempted to pull away the shower curtain because he knew I was hiding something. "What's going on with you Savannah?" He asked, after giving up on trying to pull the shower curtain from my grasp. "Your friends tell me something happened to you when you went out to eat, and you haven't been talking to anyone since then. This isn't like you."

"It's nothing, I just feel a little under the weather I guess." I said. "You've been completely shutting everyone out these past couple of days, so it's not nothing." Sage continued to try and pull away the shower curtain. "Stop hiding from me! I want to help you!" He yelled, and suddenly the shower curtain slipped from my hands and it fell to the floor. I attempted to cover up my bruises as Sage's eyes grew bigger. In that moment I could tell his heart broke at just the sight of me being hurt.

He got on his knees and gently ran his body up and down my ankles, legs, arms, and stomach where all the cuts and bruises were, and when I flinched he pulled back, his eyes now filling up with tears. "Oh Savannah..." He said in a shaky voice. "Who did this to you?" I looked down at my feet and he slammed his fist against the wall in anger. "WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!" He yelled.

Suddenly, I realized I couldn't stop the tears. They were now pouring down my face, and what was once just crying suddenly turned into loud sobs. Sage grabbed a towl from the towl rack that was next to the bathtub, and held it up so that I could wrap myself in it. He helped to pull me out of the tub and we both sat on the floor, with me in his arms, trying to control my cries.

"Please Savannah, talk to me." He said. "I know I haven't been with you since we've come back, but I was just busy. You're my main priority Sav. You've always been my main priority." I covered my face because I didn't want Sage to see me, and frankly, I was so scared that I didn't want to see his reaction when I told him what happened. "You're gonna hate me so much Sage." I said through crying. "I feel so gross..."

"I could never hate you." He said in his soft voice, then kissed me on the top of my head. "It's Jason..." I said. "When the girls and I went out to eat, I went outside to start the car and he pulled me into the allyway..." I paused for a second to wipe off some more tears. "It was dark out so people couldn't see me, their wasn't that many people out anyway. Jason used that as the perfect time to-" I paused again, this time continuing to sob. "It's okay Savannah." Sage said, holding me tighter. "I'm here for you, always."

"He raped me Sage..." I finally said, wanting this conversation to be over. "He raped me again..."


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