Chapter 18: The Final Straw

Start from the beginning

Someone tugging on his sleeve made him turn, seeing Hermione quickly falling into step with him. She smiled brightly at him, holding several large arithmancy books to her chest.

"Hello," he said, giving the girl next to him a smile.

"Hi," she replied. "I didn't know you were getting back today! Feeling any better?"

"Much, thanks," Draco said easily, finding himself beginning to relax.

"Good, I was beginning to miss you."

These words sent a flicker of shock through the werewolf, who's eyes widened slowly. Hermione Granger, who he'd called a mudblood for most of the time they'd known each other, who he'd bullies and made fun of relentlessly, had missed him?

She must have notice his stunned expression, as she rolled her eyes. "Believe it or not, intelligent conversation is hard to come by in the Gryffindor common room."

Draco snorted with laughter. Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas weren't known throughout the school for their brains.

"Have you seen Harry yet?" Hermione asked, voice taking on a more serious tone as she knew she was approaching a touchy subject.

Draco shook his head, frowning. "No, he's still mad at me I think."

Hermione sighed. "He's just being stupid, he'll come around. Do you want me to talk to him?" She asked, hoisting her bag further up her shoulder.

Draco shook his head again. "Not much point. I'll be seeing him soon anyways regardless."

Hermione nodded, giving the werewolf a cheery smile. "Well, if you ever need to talk, just let me know."

Draco returned the smile, knowing his was somewhat weaker and tireder. "Thanks, Hermione."

Hermione noticed Ron up ahead, and gave Draco a small wave as she jogged to catch up with the redhead. Draco watched them for a few moments, talking and laughing, following as they entered the Great Hall. It was filled with students eating lunch, relaxing for the brief period of time where there were no classes being held before they returned to their education. A few teachers were present, Draco spotting Snape picking at his lunch. He tried to catch the Professor's eye, but Snape was either avoiding his gaze or didn't see him.

He settled at his place at the end of the Slytherin table, ignoring the rest of his housemates and pulling out his potions book, deciding to try and catch up on some of the work he'd missed while away. His eyes scanned across the words boredly, talking in information that probably wouldn't stay in his head for longer than five minutes.

His gaze flickered upwards after about ten minutes, seeing Harry entering the hall. They noticed each other immediately, Harry's dull green eyes flickering with recognition. To Draco's relief, he gave a small smile, which Draco gladly returned before turning back to his book, warmth spreading through him. It seemed Harry had forgiven him, then.

Finally the bell rung, and he began to pack his books away. He had Arithmancy next, a class he didn't share with Harry, so he'd have to talk to him later. He stood from the table, noticing an itching along his left forearm. He scratched it tiredly before rising from the table and exiting the hall.

The itching grew more persistent and worse by the time he'd reached the third floor. Almost growling in frustration, he pulled up the edge of his sleeve, expecting to see an irritated mosquito bite or some sort of rash. Instead he saw a flash of black, and a deep frown crossed his features.

He looked to his left, where the abandoned girl's bathroom was. He ducked inside, dropping his bag on the floor and hoping Moaning Myrtle was absent.

The bathroom was silent, darkened slightly. The mirror and sinks were cracked, the tiles weathered, water dripping from the taps.

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