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  ©2016 Copyright claim. By: Lunar the Darkwolf
Please don't use my characters or any of my ideas. I do this for fun and hope to grow up to create my own books one of these days! I would love to hear your guys comments and votes. They make me feel amazing any who enjoy!
Word count: 731

~Ashton at the age of 7~

My father is the Alpha of Full moon pack ruled over by 1 of the 7 pack kingdoms. I had grown up training to take my fathers place. My pack is one of the strongest with over 5,000 members within the pack. Recently I just found out a pack had been completely wiped out by a hunter attack. I don't remember the name of it though. Today Jake, Daren and I are going to our secret hide out to hang out.

I ran to the hide out as I began waiting for my friends. I laid on an old couch that we took from a pack house attack as I fell asleep.

~In his dream~

I found myself watch people screaming and yelling as I see a small girl with brown chocolate hair and green eyes scream for her mom. Her eyes locked on me as she turned and ran away. I found myself following as she fell and a man grabbed her. She yelled for her mom before he injected her with a needle and she went limp. As I followed the male into a large truck they tied her arms behind her back and it seemed only minutes before we got to a strange place. The place was huge and made of bricks as he carried the small fragile girl into a cell throwing her to the ground. She yelped and laid on her side as I walk over. I put her head on my lap as she seemed to feel safe as I watched her muscles relax.

That's when her eyes opened....

I found myself snap awake I look around finding my friends finally showing up

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I found myself snap awake I look around finding my friends finally showing up. I yawned and stood up brushing off the strange dream, but for some reason I wanted to know more about what happened to that little girl. What her name was and who she was. Why did her eyes sparkle when she awoke? Why did I feel so drawn to her? Well there's nothing I can do it was only a dream...

~Claire at the Age of 6~

Everything was going great today my mom and dad were helping around my pack. The Red River Pack they were an amazing Alpha and Luna. My father is the great Alpha Maverick and my mom was the great Luna Carina. I on the other hand was named after my great grandmother Claris, but My mom changed it to Claire. I was an only child with lots of friends around the pack. Everything was going great until they came in.

People in suits came in with wolfsbane and silver. My mom hid me in my closet trying to protect me from any harm. As I cried myself to sleep I waited until the coast seemed clear and came out of hiding. I walked down stairs to find both my parents dead my father over my mother in his amazing white wolf form. I ran to him as I tried to wake them both only to be shocked as a man was still in my house.

I screamed and began running into the woods as he followed not far behind. Tears ran down my face as I kept running harder. My lungs were burning and my legs were hurting as I went farther into the woods I tripped over a tree branch when the evil man caught me. He stuck a injection in my neck as the world blacked out.

My mind was blank as I felt safe and warm for a minute, but when I opened my eyes I was only greeted with dark walls and whimpers of children. None were from my pack unfortunately...

Years went by as they started experimenting to create a "cure" for my wolf. But I never gave up hoping i would get out of this hell hole sooner of later...

 But I never gave up hoping i would get out of this hell hole sooner of later

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