Chapter 56

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Sungjae was talking about how he got the scar on his left arm when he was in eighth grade when Taehyung's phone buzzed. He fished it out and saw Jimin's text.

Chim: Where r u?

Tae: I'm with Sungjae. Y?

Chim: I'm bored. Y wont u hang out with me 2? :/

Tae: YOU r the 1 who keeps running off with MY bff.

Tae: Don't give me dat shit >(

Chim: Oh

Chim: Lol I didnt notice :p

Tae: ( ̄^ ̄)凸

Chim: Well? Can u come over?

Tae: Y? Where's hobi?

Chim: He went with Kookie. I dont know where.

Tae: Y didn't u ask?

Chim: Coz he didnt wanna tell me

Chim: R u coming or not?

Tae: Did u ask Kookie?

Chim: Tf? Did u even see wat I asked? :/

Tae: Answer me

Chim: :/ No I didnt

Chim: Now U answer ME

Tae: I'm coming

Tae: Where r u?

Chim: Room

Tae: Ok

When Taehyung looked back up, Sungjae was looking at him as if he was looking at an art. Taehyung snapped his fingers in front of Sungjae's face and the other shook his head.

"Sorry. But do you do expressions with every text?" Sungjae blurted out without thinking about his words and felt embarrassed after while Taehyung just chuckled at him.

"I guess I do that a lot. Hobi has said the same thing multiple times... Oh yeah. I have to go." Taehyung said as he finally put his phone back.

"Did something happen?" Sungjae didn't want him to go yet but it looked like he really needed to leave.

"No. It's nothing. I'll see you some other time."

"Yeah sure. Take care, Tae." Sungjae forced a smile as he bid Taehyung farewell and kept looking at the latter's back until it disappeared from his vision.

"I was going to ask you out today. *sigh* Second time's a charm, I guess." And Sungjae left the place as well moving towards his bar.


Taehyung came back to his room and sure enough, Jimin was spread on the bed. When he heard the door knob turn, Jimin looked up slightly and jumped when he saw Taehyung.

"FINALLY! You took years to come here." Taehyung closed the door behind him when Jimin said that. He checked the time and gave a deadpan look to Jimin.

"Do you mean ten minutes?"

"You have no idea how long these ten minutes were since I was bored to hell!" Jimin dropped himself back dramatically which made Taehyung laugh at him.


Sungjae was cleaning a glass when a paper plane dropped next to his feet. He looked around to see who flew it to him but when he found no one around Sungjae picked it up to throw it away but stopped when saw his name on it. It wasn't just a plane but a note for him. He unfolded the paper plane and, just as he had thought, there was a message for him.

Would you be so kind to keep your hormones in check around your new friend?

You shouldn't test others' patience too much.


Sungjae quickly went around and then to the other side to catch whoever sent it to him but there was absolutely no sign of anyone other than himself and the other bartender. For a second, he doubted his coworker but then dismissed the idea since it was too ridiculous to be true.

But he still wondered who sent it to him? And 'new friend'? The only new person he had been too close to in the past few hours was Taehyung so it must have been from someone close to Taehyung. When, even after a long time of thinking, no name came to his mind, Sungjae shook his head and went back to work. This was so childish that even if it was a real threat he couldn't take it seriously. And besides, it was his life and his choice. He could do whatever he wanted, be with whoever he wanted to be with and no one could stop him, especially not with this pathetic joke.

After a few minutes passed Sungjae totally forgot about the little incident and went on with cleaning the area. But his hands paused in their work when Jungkook's face flashed in his eyes.

/Now that I think about it, he did look pissed when I asked him about Taehyung./

As much as he tried to disregard the stupid idea, he couldn't do it. But then again, he hadn't seen anyone around so he couldn't be sure about the hypothesis. The only way left was to check it out himself. If it really was Jungkook than he'll confront him immediately about it. He had no right to threaten Sungjae about anything that didn't include Jungkook. That is, unless they had something going on between them, which seemed highly unlikely. And even if they did they certainly weren't on good terms, so Sungjae had every right to try his luck with Taehyung.

But if anyone was going to put hurdles in his path, even if it was his friend Jungkook, Sungjae was going to face them head on and show them their place. It wasn't like he was fooling around with every other person here. If that would have been the case it wouldn't be wrong if someone's protective instincts woke up for Taehyung. But it was not like that. He was really trying to win over someone who had captured his heart with his innocence and Sungjae was not going to stand any asshole trying to ruin it for him.

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