Chapter 52

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Jungkook stood there, still deep in his thoughts when Taehyung moved away. With his back towards Jungkook, Taehyung let a few tears drop. He knew this would happen. He expected it but he still didn't stop himself and he was facing the consequences, now. Not only did Jungkook distance himself from him but he was totally ignoring him from that moment onwards.

Taehyung scoffed at himself for expecting Jungkook to stop him but he kept going anyway. Because he knew that he was at fault here. He knew that he should have taken it slowly. He knew that he deserved this response. So he accepted it and was walking away.


"Kookie I'm sorry for doing that. Please don't ignore me like this. Let's... Let's just forget about it hm?"

What? Forget about it? But why? Why does he want to forget? Why does he want me to forget? And I'm not ignoring him. When did I do that? Did I do that? I didn't. I'm sure I didn't. He sounds like he's about to cry. Should I look up to confirm? No no. I'll lose the small amount of sanity I have left if I saw him in tears. What the hell is up with me?

"Please Kookie? Let's just forget about it and go back to being friends? Please? I'm really sorry and I promise I won't do anything stupid, again. Please Kookie?"

Why? Why is he changing his mind so suddenly? Why are you saying that? What if I don't want that? What if I don't.. want to be just friends anymore? Does he only think about himself? He should have thought about that before confusing me. What am I supposed to do now?

I am still thinking and he is leaving? Why doesn't he ever let me respond? Always in a hurry. What do I do now? Should I forget like anything happened?

Oh great! Just great! He really left. Well, I guess I have plenty of time to think now.

I look away and move towards the ocean where Taehyung was before I got here. It was a beautiful view. I let myself get distracted by the waves and the cool breeze but not for long. I can't help but recall the way Taehyung sounded a while ago. Was he really going to cry? Because of me? But I didn't do anything.

My stomach growls and I'm brought out of my thoughts. That's right. I haven't had breakfast yet. It won't be breakfast anymore at noon, but whatever. I trudge back inside to take care of this problem, first. How can I think straight when I'm hungry?

When I move inside I notice Jimin and Hoseok are gone. Again. Did he forget about me already? I mean I get that Hoseok is a much fun company than me but still. I was first. How can he ditch me so easily?

I'm halted in my path when I notice Taehyung laying on the bed with his arm covering his face. Without another thought I turn around and walk away. This has become really awkward. How did I get myself into this mess, again?

I don't know how but I ended up at the bar.

"Hey Jungkook!" And of course Sungjae is also here. Well he works here, after all.

I only nod at him and take my seat.

"Can you please get me something to eat?" He looks at me in confusion or maybe mock? I don't know. I'm hungry so I can't tell.

"Um, this is a bar. We only have drinks. Sorry."

I know that. Does he think of me as an idiot?

"Yes I know but can you?"

He pauses for a moment before mumbling.
"I'll see what I can do."
And he leaves.

I sit there waiting for Sungjae impatiently as my stomach grumbles multiple times in the meanwhile.

"Here you go. Enjoy." And Sungjae returns with- Woah.

I have never seen pancakes this fancy before. Are they really pancakes?

"Thanks." I mutter to Sungjae before digging in. He laughs at me but I ignore it. Because God! These are delicious and being hungry makes everything ten times tastier.

"I see you liked it." When I'm done, Sungjae chuckles and I can't help but join him because he's right.

"I loved it. Thank you." He looks at me in amazement and I start thinking if I said something wrong.

"This is the first time I have seen you smile. You should smile more. It looks good on you." I can feel a blush creeping it's way to my cheeks. But it's not because I like him or anything. It's just that I didn't expect a compliment from him.

"Cute." Did he just-? Are you kidding me?

"I'm not-" I only began when Sungjae's eyes sifted to something behind me and his smile disappeared in an instant

"Excuse me for a while." And he ran. I couldn't help but look back to whatever made him do that and my heart stopped.

Sungjae was going after Taehyung. Why is he going after Taehyung? Where's Taehyung going, anyway?

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