Chapter 46

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Lizzie POV.

We decided to go downtown before my dad and Jessica came home. I really didn't want to deal with Jessica. We had such a good night and I don't want her ruining it.

"Can we go ice skating!" Yammy suggested. I had never ice skated but I watched Yuri on ice (sorry if I spelt that wrong) so I was practically a pro.

We all agreed on ice skated and headed a little uptown. It was only ten pounds and I had twenty so I was good. We all paid the man at the counter and put in our ice skates.

"I'm going to die." Yammy said stepping onto the ice. It was slippy but the blades stuck into the ice for support.

As soon as Oli even touched off the ice he fell. I was laughing hysterically at him and so it was my turn to fall.

"Karma is indeed a bitch." Oli said skating past me. Joel held his hand out and I used it to assist me up.

"Have you ever done this before?" He asks. I shake my head. "I watched yuri on ice so I should be okay!"

Joel laughed. "Babe, an anime doesn't teach you how to ice skate, and plus there figure skaters!" Now that Joel had said it out loud it really did make no sense.

"Here." He said hooking his arm into mine as if he were to lead me somewhere. "Just like rollerblading." He said.

I laughed at the thought of us all rollerblading. That would probably be okay considering I was pretty good at it.

"One foot in front of the other." He guided me across the ice. I'm going to say this now ice skating is harder than it looks.

"Who's laughing now?" Oli says shortly followed by a big thump. I look down to see Oli laying on the ground.

"Still me." I laugh to myself and offer him a hand up. Instead of taking the offer Oli decides to be salty and drag me down.

We both laugh and then realise how cold the ice floor was. Joel gives both Oli and I a hand up.

"You are all children." Yammy says laughing at our silly attempt of ice skating. "Fight me." I reply.

We start messing with each others hands. "Careful yammy Joel's gonna get jealous." Scott sniggers and bolts it up the other side of the ice skating ring. Shortly followed by Joel chasing him. I'll never understand boys.

"Why is it so cold!" I hear Lauren complain. I nod my head and agree rubbing my arms trying not to shiver.

"Oh stop go skate! Enjoy! Warm your self! You're fine." Oli says slipping in the ice. We take his advice and start doing laps around the ice ring.

We catch up with scot and Joel. I heard Scott say sorry like a thousand times and Joel finally decided to let him Rome free.

I look at my phone to see the time. 8:45 pm. "Shit." I muttered to myself noticing I had 6 miss calls from Jessica.

I text her a reply.

J=Jessica L=Lizzie

J: where in earth are you?
L: sometimes I consider blocking your number.
J: shut up, get home right now your room is a state and I want it clean!
L: and did I say you could go into my room?
J: I'll do as I please.
L: as will I. Can you pass a message onto my dad please?
J: why can't you do it yourself?
L: cause I want to make sure you know what it is.
J: what is it.
L: tell him I'm not coming back until you're gone!

After that message I blocked her number so she couldn't text back. "I have to get the bus to my mums, can we get ready to go?" I ask. Everyone agrees and we start packing up.

"You don't go to your mums house?" Joel said. I lay my head on his shoulder. "I'm not bothered to deal with Jessica so I said I wasn't coming home until she was gone."

"Wow, she's that bad?" I rolled my eyes in response. "Don't get me started.

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