chaper 3

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Lizzies POV

I cleaned myself off and rushed out of the bathroom. Phew what a morning! The year hasn't ever stared and I am already angry. Great. I walk with my head down embarrassed to show my face and go back to my locker to get the rest of my books. "Lizzie! I heard what happened are you okay?" I look up to see oli Callum and Scott rushing to me. "That look so awful!" Callum said. "You were there?! Why didn't you help me?!" I shout and slam my locker door. "Wellllllll" oli says scratching his head. "What?" I'm waiting for an answer. "We weren't there" Scott squeezed out. "It's kinda all over YouTube..." Callum said scratching his head. "WHAT!" I screamed in pure disbelief. YouTube was this new thing that everyone was watching. My life is over...ugh I hate school. I get deeper and deeper into my thoughts. "Lizzie" I hear Lauren say. I look up from the ground. "I seen what happened! Don't mind those jerks!" She pulled me in for a hug. "I already hate school" I mumbled.
"Shoot that's the bell, what do you have after class meet we can meet up and walk together, I'll tell yammy!" Lauren says. "Art Lauren with you!" I remind her. "Oh yeah that's a class I take! See you after class meeting!" She disappeared into the busy corridor. They filled with lost first years. "Where's room 3?" I hear. I look down to see a young girl. "Just down the hall!" I point her in the direction. Then she disappeared. Ugh I really need to get to room 5! But it's just down the hall. I'll be fine. I walk down the corridor and refuse to look up. *bump* my books fall all over the hall. "Shit I'm sorry!" A voice says. They help me pick up my books. "It's fine I should look where I'm going." I quietly say. "Can you tell me where room 5 is? 3A?" I look up to see the dream boy from this morning. "T-that's my class!" I stutter on my words. "Sweet! Can we walk together?" He asks. I nod and we start walking. It wasn't a very long one. I enter the class room but miss loyal calls me back. "Elizabeth *****!"I know Lizzie doesn't want people to know her full name) she calls. "Here, look I'm just in time for roll call!" I say as I take my seat. She continued to call names from the roll book. "Now everyone!" She says once she has finished. "This is our new student. His name is Joel and he will be joining you for the rest of the year. Make sure to make him feel welcomed okay." She closed the roll book. "Elizabeth-" I cut her off. "Miss please just call me Lizzie!" I plead. "Lizzie" she continued her sentence. "Can you bring this to the office with Joel so he knows where it is?" She aksed. This is going to make me late for art. I nod and get up. "Class meet is over you may leave" she says. And everyone rushed out. "Hey Joel do you think I could talk to Lizzie for a sec please?" Leah says resting on my shoulder. "Eh sure!" Joel walks to the end of the corridor and waits for me. "Before you get any ideas...he's mine!" Leah smirks and pushes my into the wall. Flicks her flawless blonde hair and leaves

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