Story time

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Lmao this happened ages ago so ima be surprise if people remember this but one time my dog ate the frame legs of my glasses so I couldn't wear them and I wanted to update this story but my eyes had a bad strain (if you wear glasses you will know that if you go a while without wearing them your eyes begin to hurt) so I apologized for any mistakes I made in that chapter and told you guys about what happened. This girl has the fucking cheek to turn around and say that I should bring my dog to the vet or stop lying and come up with a better excuse. Why would I go out of my way to make up a story about my dog chewing my glasses, my dog was fine, dogs chew things all the time and we didn't notice anything wrong with him and that was about a year or two ago and he's still alive. She then comments on my next chapter being like "oh you got your glasses back I see" first off I got them fixes ASAP because I wasn't able to read or write (my handwriting is awful without my glasses) and I needed them for school and I was just so annoyed how she thought she could be so cheeky with me so I told her to go and enjoy another fan fic if she wasn't happy with some spelling mistakes in my fan fiction. I put a warning at the start of the fan fic that there were a lot of spelling mistakes because I didn't look over my work and I stopped working on this fan fiction a while ago but a couple of months ago I re read this fan fic and fixed some mistakes. Moral of the story I have her blocked from viewing my story's because of her attitude. I'm all for constructive criticism and I don't mind when people comment "you made a few mistakes in this chapter could you maybe please read over it and fix them?" Or something along those lines but for her to come out and say I'm lying about the stupidest thing or trying to make excuses? I don't like them vibes. Please be nice in the comments:) okay bye

Jizzie- savior. (Completed prt1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang