Part 27

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Shut the hell up! I'm one read away form 1k. Oh my god. That's insane! I just got 800 reads?!? I taught the most reads I would get per chapter would be like 15 and I'm getting like 20-30?!? My first chapter has 70+ I think!!! Omg that you so much like I can't tell you enough how much this means. I love this fanfic so much and I'm so happy it's doing well

Joel's POV

Wednesday is normally my favourite day, but yesterday just. Ugh. I see lizzies awake and offer to make her breakfast while she gets ready. I bake up some pancakes and Chloe walks down the stairs. "Aren't you going to school?" She asks. I nod and offer her pancakes. She nods and refuses politely. "Why werent you in class after break?" How would Chloe know that. Lizzie walks down the stairs in her school uniform and her hair down. "Excuse my face I have no makeup." She says. I raise my eyebrow. "Not like you need it." I smile. "Joel!" Lizzie laughed. "Ew." Chloe sat down at the table and took her phone out. "You never answered my question." She adds. "How about nine of your business." Lizzie looks at me confused. "She wanted to know why I didn't go back in, wait how did you even know I was meant to sign back in?" "I haven't ways." She smiled cheekily. I sighed out. "Pancakes are ready." I tell Lizzie and go upstairs to get dressed. She thanked me and sat down

Lizzies POV

"So what's going on with you's?" Chloe questions me as if it's an interview. "Huh?" I say while cutting into the butter goodness of my pancakes. "Well you guys are like all mushy and, well, ew." Chloe swarms a bit in her seat. "Now you know how I feel about maddie and oil, ew." I shutter as if shivers have went both up and down my spine. "I think there cute actually." I look at Chloe as if to say are you mad? In response I get a giggle. "Why did you stay here? Maddie said you were staying in your dads?" Chloe asked. I told her I had have a fallen out with my dad but I didn't include anything about Sandra. "Sorry to hear that, Joel and mum are always fighting now a days. I think it's just cause Joel's a teenager." She laughed to herself. "So what's going on with oli and maddie?" I know for a fact maddie won't tell me so I may as well ask her friend. "They said not to tell you." Chloe smiled away to herself. Looks like I'm not getting anything out of her. Joel comes down the stairs in his uniform and we walk down to the bus together, meeting yammy first of course. I'm shocked she's even going in today. I don't wanna say anything about the baby around Chloe. I don't wanna say something I'm going to regret. We just talk how we normally would, just two best friends. "I think you and Joel were made for each other." Yammy says. Chloe looks at her discussed and runs down to the bus stop. My face went bright red as did Joel's. "Not as more than Friends! Well, that's for another day. But Lizzie, you use to be so shy and now look at you!" I taught about it for a bit and it turners out yammy is right. For once yammy was right. Yammy isn't exactly smart. If you put four wall together you would get yammy, thic. And not in the curvy way. We seen a bat and she called it a badger. I would have got where she was coming from but the bat was flying! But that's why I love yammy. Even if she is pregnant. She's still my best friend. "Well you know." I say trying to make this less awkward. We finally reach the bus stop and wait to be brand to school. I really didn't want to go in. I have no note for being absent (out) but I had to look After Joel and yammy

So sorry it's short but I'm so tired and I can't keep my eyes open. Ilyall. One more read!!!!!

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