Chapter 44

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OMG JOLE AND LIZZIE ARE GETTING MARRIED ABOUT TIME OMG I CRIED ACTUAL TEARS AHHHH. Update me and my girlfriend decided to stop our relationship so yay :/

Joel's POV

Lizzie and scotts argument made me laugh a lot. They always had pathetic fights and it was just funny at this point. I wasn't the only one laughing. I looked over at oli and yammy who couldn't contain there laughter. I secretly agreed with Scott but lizzie is my girlfriend so I had to side with her. That's how relationships work right?

"Shut up and get in the pool!" Lizzie laughed. I heated a big splash and came into see Lizzie on the floor dying with laughter. Then I looked to the pool to see Scott wiping the water out of his eyes.

"What happened?" I ask trying to help Lizzie up. I knew it was going to be hard seeing as she's having a laugh attack.

She took a moment to try and stop laughing. "Thanks Lizzie!" Scott said crawling out of the pool fully clothed.

"I done nothing." She said laughing. Something tells me Lizzie had something to do with Scott in the pool.

"You threw me in!" Scott said. I couldn't help but join in at the laughter. An Idea sparked in my head and I got behind Lizzie.

"You should have- Joel wait no!" I picked up Lizzie and threw her into the pool adding to the laughing. Oli come outside and jumped in and soon enough we were all in the pool.

We spent the night drinking and swimming forgetting everything that was wrong in the world. The moon shun bright on Lizzie. She looked amazing. I was happy I could call her my girl.

"I hate guacamole!" I heard yammy say waking me of my daydream. I noticed Callum looking at me in a very ignorant way but I chose to ignore it as I wasn't looking for drama.

"It's amazing!" Scott said splashing yammy. I went under the water and grabbed Lizzies foot dragging her along the pool ruining the perfect moment for a kiss.

"Joel you prick!" She smiled. I gave her a hug from behind. "I love you!" I said in a childish voice.

"I love you too!" Lizzie replied mocking my voice. we shared a kiss and contined drinking the night away. the moonlight hit lizzie making her glow showing her beauty even more. never realised how beautiful my girlfriend was until tonight. I am a very lucky person.

"joe you there buddy?" I heard oli call my name followed by a splash of water. "dude! I'm here!" I said wiping the water from my face preventing it from getting in my eyes. "heh you were stuck in a stare." I laughed it off and continued swimming.

the night went fast as well a conversations. Lauren finally copped on to yammy not drinking. "you want one?" she offered throwing a can. yammy caught the can woth her right hand and threw it back. "no thanks ill pass." she said.

"what? you never turn down a drink!" Lauren said passing the can back. "Well she hardly wants a flat one." Scott said reaching into the cooler.

"No guys I can't, really thanks." Yammy pushed the can away from her. "Your acting strange." Lauren said shifty eyed.

"She feels sick." Lizzie said budding in. "Oh, why didn't you just say so?" Lauren asked.

"I didn't want to ruin the mood, can we just get back to whatever it was we were doing?" Yammy said.

Lauren turned shifty eye. "You sure?" She asked seeming extremely cautious of yammy a answer.

"She said she's sick just leave it at that!" Kiol budded in to protect his girlfriend.

"Can we please forget about it, this is a fun get together! No Jessica!" Lizzie said splashing the water a bit. We all agreed and went back to gossiping

(I know this chapter is short but I just have a lot going on with school and shit, I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while:( this month was awful, but on the bright side I got Dan and Phil tickets!)

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