Chapter 32

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Lizzies POV
I looked threw my bag making sure I had a spare change of clothes incase I stayed in my mums. Two pairs of shorts and a crop top. The type of material you would wear to bed.
finally I got to my stop from the town and handed the bus driver 2 pounds and hopped off the bus. I was so happy I was out of the house. I could even stop over at my mum and see hiw she is. I haven't seen her for a few days. But I want to go see my friends first I check the group chat to see where we were all meeting. I re-read my own message. "Outside the school." Putting my phone down I started walking to the school grounds. Uh the distance I seen little head pop up. One I remade out to be oli. Then more heads popped up with growing bodies. As I got closer and closer I would hear them. "Lizzie!" Jess ran up and gave me the biggest hug followed by yammy. "Jeez we got off school like 2 hours ago!" I laughed hugging them back. I seen Joel half smiling. "Quick Joel let's do our secret handshake that we don't have!" He laughed while fumbling his hands with mine until we burst out laughing. "What the heck was that?" Scott says in his Scottish voice. I shrug and we start walking down town toward the river. "Where yall wanna go?" Kiol asked. "Couldn't care less to be honest." Was my reply that most of our group laughed at. We walked wherever our feet took us. There was a slight cool breeze that blew the leaves in our faces also managing to flick my hair about. We walked down an avenue we found. Not the best idea but we have already explored all of welltown. Yammy and I both held our skirts down so they wouldn't blow up. Down the avenue reveals a natural trail that we decide to take. So it looks like you're actually aloud to walk here. There was a little farm type place. Hens, crops, sheds. Once we reach the end of the trail and see a little seating areas. "This place is dope!" Oli says while looking around and I agree with him. "How have we never seen this before?" Joel asks. "We're all to dull to notice something this awesome." Scott answered. I was amazed. Not only by our new discovery but at how we as 16/14(oli) year olds were stunned by a simple scenery. Oli went exploring of course and reported back that there as a massive river with a fallen over tree. Thankfully I brought two pairs of shorts. One for me and one for yammy although none of this was planned. The lads rolled up there trousers to avoid the awkwardness of us seeing them in there jocks. Jess never comes unprepared. She always had a bag for events like this. To be honest that's kinda smart. I should start doing that. We all give each other a "you go in first." Look. No body offers so oli pushed Scott in. Then I pushed oli in. Then Jess pushed me in, joel pushed Jess in, Callum pushed Joel in and so on. The only person who wasn't pushed in was yammy. She Calmly got in. The water was just right. Not to cold, not to warm. Just perfect. "Lizzie come 'ere!" Joel shouts. I take 5 slow steps toward him considering the water was pushing my feet back. I finally reached him and almost fell. "Yeah?" I asked. He pointed over to a rock in the middle of the river. "Your kidding! I'm going to drown!" I laughed and followed him there. "Something Sean past my leg!" Oli shouted. We just laughed and continued our mission to get toward the big rock. The water was at my chest. We weren't that far from it. Joel had already reached the rock. "Give me your hand, I'll pull you!" He said. In my option that sounded like a terrible idea. I was for sure going to die. Me being an idiot I grabbed his hand and glided along the water surprised at myself for not pulling Joel down. I had made it to the rock. Next step was climbing it. I felt like we were climbing Mount Everest. But it was just a rock in the middle of a random river in welltown. I some how managed to make it upon the rock. "Stand up!" Joel said slowly rising. "I'm good!" I laughed and stayed sitting. Joel grabbed my arm and forced me up. "Your not going to die!" He smirked. I seen him go to push me in. "But you might!" I said giving a coy smile. Pushing him off the rock into the river beating him at his own game. "I was going to do that!" He shouted shocked. I stood upon the rock looking down at Joel laughing. "You snooze you lose." I agreed to let Joel back in my rock, yes my, if he agreed not to push me off. He kept to his promise and I kept to mine. Everyone was splashing each other. Yet me and Joel were sitting on a rock. I felt Joel nudge me. I look toward his direction and he kissed me. Everyone yelling in the background at us. I kissed him back. I'm so happy I decided to leave the house.

It was time to leave and I took a look at my phone. "Shit, seven missed calls from my dad!" I exclaim and go over to the seating area to call him back.

L: I'm so sorry my phone died I'm at yammy a charging it!
D: get home now Elizabeth.
*hung up*

He told me to go home but I was terrified. I didn't want to see what happened if I didn't go home so I took the bus to my town. Dreading each minute. I got my stopped and walked toward my house. I reached for the door nod and twisted it....

Jizzie- savior. (Completed prt1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें