Part 24

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Dude we're almost at 800 reads already omg I'm going to cry ahhh thank you all so much for supporting me! Especially Anna-WolfAlpha who votes and comments on all of my story's! Thanks so much guys ily xo

<time skip to lunch>
Joel's POV

Me and Lizzie walked downstairs together. "Your locker is on the third floor!" She smiled. "I'm walking you to yours!" I chuckled. She blushed a pink red. "Joel!" She squealed. "What?" I nudged her gently and she laughed it off. I seen Lizzie was struggling with her bag. "You want a hand?" I offered. "Nah it's fine aha, thanks tho! You don't have to talk me all the way To my locker! Go to yours." Lizzie insisted. Lizzie is very stubborn, but in a good way. See won't take no for an answer. "Lizzie!" She cuts me off before I finish. "Go!" She smiled. And so I did. "See you in ten!" I shouted. "Later!" I heard her mumble. Man she is perfect. I love everything about her. I need to let her know that. I walk back upstairs into room 17. I see yammy and kiol at their lockers. "You dudes." I say and chuck my bag down. "Hey! I seen you walk with Liz, where is she?" Yammy asks. I tell her that Lizzie was at her locker and insisted I go to mine. She nod her head. "Sounds like her alright!" Kiol laughed. "So what do you think is going on with oli and Maddie?" Yammy says. That's a good question. "No idea, aren't they gone for a walk together?" Kiol added. "Maybe?" I say pulling out random books from my locker. "Wait so he isn't gay?" A voice says hiding behind the door. I then discover that the voice was Leah. "Oh my god Leah get lost!" Yammy yelled. "Shut it! I'm intrigued!" Leah walks over to my locker. "Don't talk to my girlfriend like that!" Kiol said sticking up for yammy. Leah being the brat she is ignored him. "Well answer the question Joel!" Leah demanded. I slammed my locker shut and stood up to face Leah taking a step forward for each word causing her to step back until she was out of the class. "Look Leah, that's not my business and it's not yours either so why don't you get your nose out of others people's lives and focus on your own, we all know that needs work." Leah stood shocked. Once she was outside the class I slammed the door shut in her face. "That's one way to deal with rats." I murmured and went back to doing my books. "What's her deal?" Yammy asked. "Don't ask, she's a stick up snob is all!" Kiol laughed. But yammy wasn't. She looked a bit ill actually. "I think I'm going to get sick!" She says and rushes out of the room. Kiol running after her. I left them to it. I walked downstairs into the lunch hall to see Scott, Callum,Jess,Bobby,Lauren and Lizzie sitting at the table. I walked over and sat down taking out my lunch. "Where's yammy and kiol?" Lizzie asked. "Well yammy felt ill, then she taught she was going to be sick and ran to the bathroom, kiol went with her. I didn't want to crowd her so I just left her and Kiol to it." I inform the group. "Oh thats horrid! I hope she's okay." Lauren added. We all nod and agreed. "What about oli?" Jess asked. "He's gone on a walk with you know who!" Callum laughed. "Ew." Mumbled Lizzie. I could see where she was coming from. Your best friend going out with your sister! Ew. It's just weird. I wouldn't like if Chloe went out with one of my friends! But Chloe wouldn't, she doesn't really look for any of that yet. Neither was I to be honest, then Lizzie came along. And I just couldn't help myself. She was just amazing. I so happy she's in my life. "Joel!" Lauren yelled a bit. "Huh?" I responded. What time was it? "Dude what just happened?" Lizzies phone beeped. "Oh god!" She said out loud. "Sorry guys I have to talk to yammy!" She said and left the table. "There's so much drama!" Jess said sipping her soup. "I agree, oh no I chipped a nail! Better call the swat team!" Bobby made up an high-pitched voice that made us all laugh. "I wonder if yammy is okay?" Lauren added. "I'm sure she is!" I said staying to re-assure Lauren that everything would be fine. Lizzie popped her head in the lunch hall door and whistled to get my attention. I looked over in her direction and she nodded for me to follow her. And so I did. "Everything okay?" I asked. Lizzie nodded. I have to go to the shop to get something for ham and I didn't want to go by myself. So i was like Joel and here we are!" She said, it kinda made me chuckle. "What do you have to get her?" I asked. She blushed a bit. "You don't have to tell me." I quickly added. "No it's not that it's just, you can't tell anyone!" She mad me swear not to tell anyone no matter what. I agreed. "Yammy thinks she's pregnant!"

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