chapter 9

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Lizzie POV

I finally see the bus pull up to the school. I turn down the volume on my earphones so I can hear what people are saying. I like doing this. I feel like a spy. I only do it for five minutes or so. Sometimes if i feel like people are talking about me. I pick a seat at sit in it. The bus driver waits for everyone to sit down and starts driving. I don't hear much interesting conversation but I can hear my name being thrown around a bit so I keep the music off.

"Is it true Joel binned your number?" A girl asks who was sitting behind him. I take out my earphones to make it look like I wasn't listening to their conversation. "What?" I say. "You know, you gave him your number and he-" she started explaining what he term binning meant. "I know what it means, I never gave anyone my number!" I try to explain. Whee did she get this out of. "Omg someone gave him your number, I think it was Leah but anyway, he like TOTALY binned it!" She was so excited to tell me then someone binned me. Well my number.

I turn back in my seat so I don't have to talk to her. I turn on my music and blue knees by Melanie Martinez comes on. I lay back in my seat and look all emo. Did Joel bin me?" I ask myself over and over and over again. Maybe that's what he was talking about earlier in the hall way. He may have just been saying that to make me feel better. Please don't tell me he black out binned me. (Black out bin means when a girl gets another person to deliver her number to her crush) omg it sounds like I did. But I didn't even tell Leah to do that. Is that what she meant by stay away from Joel. If I didn't do it she would do it for me. Omg I'm never going back to school again.

I pause my music to hear what people are saying. "Dude, he black out binned a girl on his first day? Savage!" I hear someone says. "Shut up! She wasn't black out binned by anyone!" Yammy says. I presume she's talking about me. "Shut up you weren't there." I can hear Leah respond. "Okay so Lizzie is all like "eh can you please give this to Joel please!" And I was like eh sure! You know being a good friend but in the back of my head I was like. "Mug off freak!" I didn't want to be mean!" She continued. Normally I don't feel myself crying but this time I could feel nothing but tears streaming down my face.

"Leave Lizzie alone you bitch!" I think that came form oli. "Go snog your boyfriend!" Leah responds. "I'm not gay you ugly cow!" I look back to see what's going on. Oil is standing up ready to smack Leah. Yammy is holding him back. Sophie tells Leah to back down and shrugs toward me. "Leah your a Low life pig! Lizzie never gave you her number I give to anyone and you no that!" Oil gets more aggressive. "Oil shut up you idiot she's right there!" Sophie points at me.

"What's going on?" I act dumb so nobody knows I've hear this whole conversation. "Nothin. Leah was just being a stuck up snob." Oil snaps. Damn he sassy. "Shut up you gay bastered!" Leah smirks. "Oi! What's wrong with gays?" A sixth year from the back of the bus says. "Stay out of my business!" Leah glared at him. "Sorry Leah." Did he just apologise? For saying what's wrong with gays.

I turn back in my seat and continue to listen. "Leah you know, shits meant to come from your ass not your mouth!" Oil laughs. "And people are meant to be straight!" She fired back. Although that was not much of an insult. I can't take this anymore. "WHATS WRONG WITH BEING GAY? OLI ISNT GAY BUT IF HE WAS WHY MAKE FUN OF HIM? HES STILL BETTER THAN YOU. Heck everyone's better than you. Just stop running your mouth. You think your so amazing! Well guess what your not. Now all of you shut up. Nothing happened with me and Joel today." Leah mumbled something to herself. "Something you want to share?" I try to relax but I can't. "Nothing happened between you and Joel? Really? That's not what I heard." Saoirse smiles. "Well tell me what you heard. If you know everything. Tell me what happened in MY life." I snear.

"So you have no feeling for Joel?" Sophie buts in. IVE KNOWN HIM FOR A DAY, EVEN IN I LIKED JOEL I WOULDNT TELL YOU. You would just go around making a bigger deal out of nothing. You're so fake you make a barbie doll believe she's real."

I smile. "That's it you fucking bitch your getting it!" Sophie takes off her seat belt and hops over to me. She grabbed me by my hair and pulled me out of my seat and dragged me to the ground. She slapped me repeatedly in the face. The bus driver can't see cause upstairs in a double decker. The sixth years come down and pour water on us to break us up. Sophie won't get off me. She keeps slapping me and pulling my hair. "GET OFF ME" I scream over and over. I can hear people downstairs panicking. "MADDIE GET DOWNSTAIRS!" Yammy screams. I can hear her get up to go over to Maddie. Oli and a few sixth years are trying to separate us. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU CALLING ME FAKE! ILL SHOW YOU. Sophie screams. I can hear saoirse and Leah telling Sophie to stop. But you can hear by them they couldn't care less. I know there videoing. I slap Sophie across the face to get her to stop. "OMG YOU JUST SLAPPED ME!" She screamed. Well you kinda pulled the head of hair off me. Once she got off me I stood up just to fall back over. I was bleeding a lot from my mouth and nose. "Let me look." A sixth year said. He helped me to the back row so I could lie down. Yammy walks upstairs and sees me. "LIZZIE!" She runs down the hall lane thing to me.

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