Chapter 33

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This chapter may be triggering (no self harm)

Lizzies POV

I turned the doorknob and entered the house. My dad was at the other side waiting for me. "Dinners on the counter." He said bluntly as I made my way over. The house was very nice, he kept it clean. Too bad I can't say the same for him. I sat down and started eating my dinner. "Where were ya?" He asks. I tell him I went down to help yammy with her homework. Which was a complete lie. "Why didn't you call me." His voice sounded more angry. "My phone died!" I try to explain as I start panicking. "Your phone died? Excuse me?" He started to yell. "I'm sorry!" He stood up as did I. "Sorry isn't good enough kiddo! Next time you tell me where you are!" He said coming closer to me forcing me to take a step back. I grabbed the closest thing I could find and he didn't notice. He picked up a glass and threw it across the room. I pegged it for the stairs crying my eyes out. He got another glass and threw it at my feet leaving a massive cut running down my leg. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I yell. He comes up the stairs after me. "What's wrong with me? I can't do anything with you! You never let me be happy! Your the reason I'm not with Sandra you!" He yelled in my face. He looked down at my leg. "You better do something with that kiddo, because I ain't!" He laughed and went back downstairs. I locked myself in my room and tried to calm down after what had happened. I honestly thought he was going to kill me. What was I meant to do? I couldn't tell anyone, I don't want to get my dad locked up but I can't cope with this. I could stay with my mum but she would have questions. Too many questions. A text from Maddie come up.

M: how was the river?
L: I guess you could say adventurous.
M: I heard what happened in the rock!!
L: oh my gosh shut up!!
M: haha, how's dad?
L: I just think he has a different way of coping than mum, how's she doing by the way?
M: great! She's actually working on herself a lot more. She hardly seems upset.
L: that's good, tell her I meant to call down but didn't get a chance!
M: will do tell dad I said hi!
L: sure
M: you coming in tomorrow?
L: yeah! Fridays are the best for classes! Wby?
M: don't have much of a choice, see you tomorrow?
L: sure!
M: before you go I wanna ask ya something
L: ask away!
M: why can't I see dad?
L: it's complicated, different topic how do you get blood off your bed sheets?
M: eh what?
L: how do you get blood off your bed sheets?
M: I know that question but why would you ask that!
L: I had a nose bleed and I don't want dad to know!
M: eh makeup remover?
L: I'll try that!

I go to grab my bottle of makeup remover and press it into the bed where the blood was stained. All it done was smudge it. This was hopeless. I heard a knock on the door. "Lizzie!" A young lad said. "Uh who is it?!?" I said trying to get he blood off my bed. "It's oli I have your jumper!" I face palm and open the door. "Oh my gosh what happened to your leg?" He asked. I ignore the question and take the jumper. "Wait, this is Joel's!" I say looking at the tag of the jumper I just had taken off. "So Joel must have mine ugh." Oli sighs. "Well you can hardly get it I mean it's 7:00 pm! Just text him and tell him what had happened." Oli looks at me as if he understood what I said. "Thanks Liz, talk to ya in the morning!" Oli says leaving my room. I could hear the door shut and oli shouting "goodbye mr Lizzies dad!" I proceed to try and get the stain out until my dad called me. I couldn't wait to see how this played out. I went downstairs to see my father. "Why did that young man have your jumper?" He asked. I let out a sigh of relief. "I took it off, he must have picked it up by mistake." I explained. My dad seemed to understand. "Look kiddo, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you it's all just. Hard right now. I don't expect you to look at me the same but please don't judge me for a mistake I made." He said. It looked like he was my dad again. I gave him a hug crying into his chest. "I love you." He muttered as he kissed my forehead. I replied with an "I love you too!" I did love him. Not the overly angry him but him. I finally could look and say he was making an effort. I don't forgive him for what he did but I just hope to see eye to eye with him more often, bit to be afraid to come home. I still didn't want Maddie to come here. He needed time to adjust to everything. I feel like Sandra kinda messed things up. "I'm running down to the shop you want anything?" He said picking up his wallet. "Can of coke?" I asked and he messed his head. My phone buzzed as he walked out the door. It was a text from Joel.

J: could I talk to you in the morning?
L: yeah sure! Everything okay?
J: everything's fine! Ttyl x
L: bye x

I went upstairs and made an attempt at homework. My dad come up and bring me in the can of coke. He seen the blood stain. "Did oli see that?" He asked. I informed him that I told oli it was from a nosebleed and my dad laughed. He took my sheets and brought it down to laundry. "Thanks!" I shouted as he went down the stairs. I put my face down in my pillow and closed my eyes. I opened them and my alarm went off. It wasn't 7:00 am already? I checked my phone. Friday. Another day in the life of Lizzie. Joel text me and told me to walk with him when he gets off the bus, to go for a "walk" with him.

Jizzie- savior. (Completed prt1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें