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Sorry for any mistakes but my dog ate my glasses so I can't rly type the best cause I have a strain :/ enjoy

Lizzies POV

I decide to leave the lunch hall and hang out by my locker. I open my locker and find my phone. About time. I put my passcode in and see all my chats with Joel have been deleted. "Liz?" A squeaky voice says. I turn around to see Maddie standing there with tears in her eyes. "Are you okay?" I ask. She hugged me tight. Like she hasn't seen me in years. "What will we do?" The words quiver out of her mouth. "He's gone!" She continued. I pulled out of the hug. "Who's gone?" I look her in the eyes. I watched them fill up with tears. "Maddie?" I try to get threw to her. "I don't want to grow up without him Lizzie, I love him." Was she talking about oli? What is she talking about. "Who Maddie?" It's like she can't hear me. She just keeps saying "he's gone, he left" but I don't know who. The bell rings and I can't concentrate in class. I'm thinking about Joel, Callum, Jess, oli and Maddie. Why did everything just get a lot harder. I'm so confused. I had English and science first thing. That was so fun. Ugh. Miss reminded me I had a detention tomorrow after school. Ugh. I walk down to the lunch hall but I'm stopped by Callum. "Lizzie we need to talk." Is this about Maddie and oli? "Yeah sure walk with me." My mind is in one million places. "Jess almost broke up with me, why would you tell Joel we had a thing?" I stop. "What? I didn't say that! I lost my phone this morning. I have to chats with Joel they've all been deleted. Someone must have taken my phone!" Callum looks shocked. "Okay I believe you, we best get to the lunch hall." We walk faster. We sit down in out seats and I start questioning oli. "Oli? Were you by any chance telling my sister that you leaving or we're going somewhere?" She looks shook. Almost quaking! "What no!" He almost spills his soup everywhere. Then who was Maddie talking about. I haven't seen her yet, maybe she went home? My phone started to ring. It was my mum.

L: "hello?"

M: "hi hunny you didn't say anything in our last call, I was just making sure you were okay. Maddie is having the hardest time adapting to it but I hope you understand. It's for the best. "

L: "what?"

M: "I told you earlier, please don't make me repeat it. I have the court case for tomorrow. We didn't want to tell you a month ago so we kept it a secret but your dad is getting custody over Maddie and there moving to Liverpool. Are you okay staying in Brighton with me?"

L: "what are you talking about, why is dad moving? What?"

M: "Lizzie I told you already." Here voice started to crack. Joel sat down beside me even tho we weren't in the best of terms.

L: "mum you didn't tell me! I lost my phone I only got it back!" I could hear her break down

M: "Liz, me and your father have decided to get a divorce.

The tears started rolling down my face.

L: "wh- what? Why? Please don't. Liverpool is so far away! What will Maddie do for school? How can I vist them?"
(Idk how far Liverpool and Brighton are lol)

M: "I talk to you later."

She hung up the phone. "Are you okay?" Yammy says. She started rubbing my back. There's too much going on in my life right now. I couldn't stop the tears from coming. I texted my mum to call me.

M: "Lizzie-"

L: "I'll go with dad, I'll go to Liverpool, Maddie needs to stay here."

I hung up before she could get another word in. "You're moving?" Yammy a voice started getting shaken. "My mum and dad are getting a divorce." I started hyperventilating. "Lizzie calm down." Bobby stands up and puts his jacket over me in a non romantic way. "Deep breaths!" Jess held my hand. "What's going on?" Joel said confused. "She's having a panic attack." Oli explained. "Get her tablets in her bag the yellow ones!" Yammy shouts to Scott. I started pushing people away. Screaming down the lunch hall. "GET AWAY." My voice echoed. Words were repeating themselves in my head. I felt as if I were dying. "Lizzie take your tablet please!" Yammy tried her best to get the tablet into me but I refused. The teachers came in and tried to calm me down. It wasn't working. I felt like my chest was on fire. My face was converted in pins and needles. I couldn't feel my legs. They felt like jelly. "Let her have it, let her get it out of her system then get her to take her medication." A teacher advised. "Get her into fresh air!" Another said. Joel carried me out side bridal style. Why was he helping me? Five minutes later and I have calmed down. I took my medication and I got to miss history. I couldn't believe mum and dad were getting a divorce.

Sorry it's short my eyes are killing :/

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