You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 28

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“Shhh, shhh, it’s okay Tabby, I’m here now. It’s all going to be okay. Let’s sit down, come on Paloma.” She took Paloma’s hand.

She took us to sit down, and stroked my hair and I lay in her shoulder. I felt so helpless there, as my best friend lay in a room somewhere, her life hanging in the balance.

I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up to find my mother had gone, and Paloma was texting someone, even though it clearly stated no mobile phone use in the hospital.

“Where’s mum?” I asked.

“She went to get coffee. It’s 8.40 before you ask what the time is.” Paloma answered.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. “Is Jake here yet?”

Paloma shook her head. “He had band practice or something. I texted him to get down to the hospital when we were in the ambulance, and then he texted back in a huff saying Matt hadn’t turned up, then I told him to get down here before I killed him. I think he’s coming.”

“You sent that message ages ago.” I mused.

“I know, but you know what he’s like, between his phone and guitar, he always would go for that six stringed instrument.”

I shrugged. “You should have told him where Matt was.” I thought for a moment. “Where is Matt?”

Paloma shrugged. “No idea, no nurses have come to tell us what’s happening with him. Shall we go and look for Bree?”

I looked down at my battered Converse. “I don’t know.” I mumbled.

“Look, when your mum comes back, we’ll ask.” She said, as if that was that.

My mum walked over right at that point.

“Can we go and find Bree?” Paloma asked as nicely as she could.

My mother looked at her watch. “I guess we could ask, I’ll see at reception.”

She got up and went to ask the receptionist. She came back a few moments later. “She said that she’s on the children’s ward, which is probably where we’d find Matt and his parents.” My mum coaxed us over and we walked to the children’s ward.

It was strange. I wouldn’t think of putting a sixteen year old in the children’s ward, but I guess Bree was still only a child.

I didn’t like hospitals much. They smelt too clean, too clinical. I always thought of blood, and injuries, which creeped me out.

The children’s ward was quiet and colourful. Paintings of animals and fairies lined the walls, and there were toys for toddlers in the waiting area.

“Hello, I’m looking for a Matthew Page and a Brianne Turner please?” my mum asked at the mini reception.

“Ah yes, Matt is in room 4, Nurse Richards just finished his stitches and Brianne is in a special care unit. I’ll just page a doctor to take you there.”

“Thank you. Could we see Matt first though please?”

“Of course, as I said, room 4, third on the right.” The receptionist directed.

Paloma took my hand and dragged me to room 4, where Matt was lying on a bed, a nurse finishing dabbing his stitches.

“There you go, they’ll just dissolve naturally, so there’s no need to come back.” The nurse, who I presumed was Nurse Richards, said.

“Thanks.” He said, wincing a little.

“Go easy on him, I gave him some pain killers.” She grinned as she left us in the room.

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