Surprise (Chapter 25)

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“Please don’t” I said quickly looking a bit worried. As much as I liked this boy, now was not the time to propose to me.

“Awwww why not? We could have the wedding at the burrow, you liked that Vay” George winked, snaking his arms around my waist so he could kiss me. I could feel the blush creep onto my cheeks as I felt George chuckle lowly next to me. He kissed the top of my head and smirked at his achievement of making me blush.    

"Anyway enough about proposing. I hear it someone's birthday soon" Fred smiled cheekily towards me which caused a small blush to creep onto my cheeks. It was true in less than 3 days it would be my 18th birthday, which is a big deal in the muggle world so Jane and Leah told me, and i was already dreading it. I know what you're thinking why would i hate my birthday? But truth be told there isn’t really a reason i just generally don’t know why, i mean sure there has been some years where i have enjoyed it and there are other which i wish to forget but for some reason the purpose of having people spend money on you without you giving them anything back is, to me, a waste of valuable money.

"Is it that time of year already?" i asked surprised.

"Don’t get sarcastic with us now missy and besides we couldn’t celebrate your birthday last year with the whole tri-wizard tournament going on and things" Leah said mumbling the end. Leah was still very touchy about tri-wizard tournament but she was slowly coming to terms with Cedric's death.

"Ok we can celebrate it but please no gifts i don’t want anything" i began to protest, but of course this only lead to an argument.

"What you must be out of your mind. Presents are the best bit Vay" Ashley commented whilst Lee backed her point by nodding his head vigorously.

"Im sorry guys but i don’t see the point in getting me presents if i can’t give you anything back to show my thanks"

"Hence why it called birth-day, we are celebrating the day you were born..."

"..Enough Fred. Fine no presents just a party" George said looking at me for my approval. I smiled and responded.

"Party it is"


The day of my party was drawing nearer and so were my N.E.W.T.S. i had just finished my charms homework and was going to start on my potion essay, when Hermione suddenly appeared. Considering i was already in the library Hermione appearing shouldn’t have scared me but by the look of her flustered face i couldn’t help but squeal a little bit, which caused madam Prince to glare at me from her desk.

Hermione chucked all her books down beside mine and sat down. She sighed angrily before she faced me, her hair looking frazzled and frayed from the blustering wind outside; her eyes were rimmed with anger.

"I give up" she stated harshly. She yanked a book from the top of her book pile and ripped open the pages landing on what looked like a picture of a small unicorn.

"Can i ask what the matter is?"

"Why are boys so temperamental when it comes to revising? i mean all im asking of Ronald is to test me on charms, not tackle the Squid in the black lake, although he probably would do it if it means he doesn’t have to revise for himself" Hermione began to rant. As she carried on, i sat there in silence only nodding my head when i had to. Her rant soon got bigger for she had now changed from talking about Ron to how she was annoyed at Fred and George for paying people to be their testers for their products. I smiled to myself thinking about the countless of times Fred had asked me and Leah only to receive a smack from Leah herself and a glare from George.

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