32 (part one)

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Marcus walked in looking at me concerned.

"Get out, this is Dominic's bathroom. There's an open one downstairs," I say hiding my hands.

"I heard Rena and saw you walk up here. I just want to make sure you're okay," he said batting his eyelashes at me. For a second, I thought about us kissing but I shook the thought away.

"I'm fine, just leave me alone," I say dismissing him with a way of my hand. He didn't leave. After a few seconds, I found myself just rambling on and on to Marcus.

"What if that's really why he's trying to get with me? I'm just a piece of ass aren't I," I asked, blowing out heavily.

"You aren't, you mean so much more than that. I'd never think if you like that," he said reaching over and caressing my face.

Staring at him, I found myself infatuated with him again. His face leaned in towards me. Snapping back into reality, I push him away and make a beeline for the door.

"Wait." He grabbed my arm.

"I'm going back down," I said pulling away.

For a second I had the door opened, but then Marcus snatched my hand off the door and shoved me against it, causing it to close. I wound my hand all the way back and slapped Marcus across the face.

"The hell is wrong with you," I ask angrily.

Was he dumb? It was clear I wanted to leave. Was he really that obsessed?

"You think I don't know about Dominic giving you head? What's up with that," he asked getting in my face.

"I'm with Dominic. Whatever we do is not of your concern so back up and hop off my case," I say shoving him.

"So you're going to act like we never had anything," he paused for an answer but I simply pulled a Dominic and shrugged, "Wow. Isaiah was right — you are a hoe."

I could only shake my head at him. He had me having feelings for someone and me being infatuated with someone confused.

"I never liked you Marcus. I just thought you were cute."

"WOOOOOOOW," he dragged out.

I rolled my eyes and just as I was about to leave again, Marcus shoved me against the wall and pinned me there with his hands.

~ Marcus

How could she? I'm suppose to be the one she's with. Not Dominic. I have to do something quick.

"If I can't have you...no one else will." I couldn't help the grin that began to spread across my face.

She stares at me, her eyes going wide and she tries to fight against me. Her struggling was a turn on for me and I just couldn't resist. I kissed her but she bit my lip hard causing me to draw back. Without hesitation, I back handed her and wrapped my hand around her neck.

"D-Dom," she strained out.

"Stop saying his fucking name!"

She started scratching at me and crying but I didn't stop.

~ Mercy

Slowly, I open my eyes. My head throbbing and in between my legs feels sore which had me confused as hell. I look around noticing me underwear and pants were thrown in the corner and there was something dripping down my legs. Knowingly, I look down.

Immediately, I began throwing up and crying. I couldn't even think to say anything or to call anyone. I just started running bath water and scrubbing all of my body with soap and water. The whole time I'm sobbing, my tears helping to fill the bath.

"You okay in there," I hear Dominic ask from the other side of the door.

I froze and watched as he tried to open the door.

"I-I-I'm fine. Go have fun. I'm just not feeling the best," I lie.

"Okay...you coming back down soon," he asks and I can hear the concern in his voice.

"Um...no. I might just stay up here," I say.

He kissed his teeth before trying to open the door again. I sighed and wipe my face and body off before wobbling over. When I unlocked the door he busted in looking at me frowning.

"You okay, Mercy," he asked grabbing my face gently.

I pulled away and nodded. I honestly didn't want to see him or be near him right now.

"I know when you be lyin. What's the matter? Someone do or say something to you," he asks furrowing his brows in question.

"No Dom. I just don't want to be down there. Please just leave me alone okay," I said tearing up.

He sighed heavily and hugged me.

"Okay. We're all going to the park. If you need me tell Shauna to call me for you," he said pulling away and kissing my forehead.

I bit my lip and nodded. As soon as he shut the door and left, I started crying again. What would I do? Who would I tell? Honestly I was scared. I couldn't process much of it. I just knew something happened. What if this is some twisted dream and Thanksgiving is a lie? It'd all be better, right?

I groaned and walked out, putting on some under wear and a bra before I slipped on Dominic's Superman shirt and my black basketball shorts over them. As I walked my legs felt even more tired.

I stood at the top step and took a step down. As soon as I did, I missed the step completely and almost fell to the bottom, but I caught myself using the railing.

"Shauna," I yell.

She ran from out her room holding a glass of Patron in one hand and an unlit blunt in the other.

"You okay babygirl?"

I shake my head and sit on the steps.

"I-I need help getting down the steps," I say avoiding her gaze.

"What's wrong with you? Slipped on the bathroom floor," she asked helping me down the rest of the stairs.

She helped me into the living room and sat next to me, eyeing me like a hawk. She took a sip of Patron before putting it and her blunt down on top of the coffee table. My hands were trembling and I couldn't sit still. I knew she was going to ask and I wanted badly to just tell someone but that's how it all started right?

"Mercy..." she treached over grabbing my hands. Almost immediately, I started crying. Tears rushing down my face and soaking my shorts.

"I'm so sorry Ms Shauna." I apologize.

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