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We spent most of our time sleeping, but around 3 o'clock we went to the club with some fake IDs. I wore a red dress, my jean jacket, and my matching converse. Dominic threw on some jeans and a tshirt along with a pair of 11s.

"You look good. Better go change. Niggas gon be looking at allat future you got back there," he said gesturing towards my butt.

"Don't say that word. And I don't want to so let's just go," I whine.

He kissed his teeth and grabbed his keys abd his phone before we went to the garage. There was a black 2015 Chevrolet Camaro 2LT sitting in it. I turned to Dominic and he smiled.

"Don't look so shocked. I got a car yeah but I only drive it every once in a while. Don't get too happy in there either. It still has it's nee car smell and I'd like to keep it that way," he said opening my door for me.

I didn't know if I should thank him or scold him. I can't believe he never told me about this. I'm a big fan of Camaros and this just happens to be one of my favorites. My whole body was fangirling as I sat in the car and buckling up.

"I got rules before we go: don't take stray drinks, no running off too far, stay away from all drugs even weed --- it could be laced --- also if you want to leave come find me and we can come back here and chill. Alright," he asked nodding his head at me.

"Alright," I say back.

He smiled and opens the garage door before backing out intk the street and shutting the door back.

"Let's ride."


I sat next to Dominic at the bar and spotted a pretty girl walking our way. Here I was being the side kick in Dominic's mission to find some sex. I got up and took a deep breath before approaching her. Hoping I got the right one.

"Hey, I love your hair," I say smiling.

She smiles back, flipping her weave over her shoulder.

"Thank you. I love yours too. What's your name," she asked.

I bit my lip and thought it I should lie or not. Why would I need to lie though?

"Mercy. You," I ask.


I nod my head and look back at Dominic who's watching intently as I talk to Iyanna.

"You came here alone," I asked.

"Yeah, unfortunately. What about you," she asks back.

"No but my friend; however, could use the company. He's right over there," I say pointing towards Dominic.

He winked and waved at Iyanna which I knew caught her attention. She bit her lip and waved back all sexual like. I almost gagged.

"You should go say 'hi'," I say putting on a fake smile.

She walks over and I sigh and walk in a different direction in hopes of finding some non-sex-driven individual who just thinks I look like a cool chick to hang out with. As if my time here couldn't get anymore worse, I bump into this guy with dreads.

He oddly resembled the man from the other night.

"My bad."

I stared at him unable to breathe easy. My heart was pounding and I couldn't stop looking at him. I was frozen.

"Are you okay?"

I snapped out of it and nodded my head. He looked at me concerned for a second before I ran off towards the bathroom. I didn't want to bother Dominic but I needed to go outside and I wanted to let him know.

I walked back to where I left Iyanna and Dominic, but neither were there. Paranoid, I start searching everywhere but not sign of either one of them. I sat by the bar and pouted while I waited. He was probably having sex with her by now.

"Hey," I hear someone say.

I look and it's this girl with long red weave and another with black braids.


They sit on either side of me and begin talking as if they knew me.

"You're pretty. Where's your friends? Pretty girls shouldn't be alone at the club," the girl with the braids said.

"Oh, my friend...he's around here somewhere..."

The red haired girl spoke up," Well he won't mind if we keep you company right?"

I shrug and they both giggle.

"Let's go dance yeah?"

I didn't say no even though I had never danced before. We started dancing until dancing became boring. Then I downed several different shots with them and we sat down and talked about nothing. It all seemed to go by in a blur and the next thing I remember is following them outside.

"Oh my G-d, girl you are so much fun. Can't believe we've never met before," one of them said.

I couldn't tell who it was talking. Everything was just slowed and blurred. I started to not feel good. Just as we were walking down the street, I hear tires screeching and bangs.

I duck down, sobering up right away. Loud, quick gunshots feel my ears and the three of us scream at the same time. I squeezed my eyes shut and acted as though I was dead.

I hear two thuds beside me as the gunshots came and went. It was probably the other two ducking down. I didn't look up to make sure until I heard no more and I regretted it. Both of them were dead. Bullet holes all over them. I scream again and I run back into the club to find Dominic, but he still wasn't back.

So I settled at the bar my hands shaking. The bar tender came over and furrowed his brows at me. I took a deep breath and hid my hands.

"H-hey. Give me the s-s-strongest drink you have."

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