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When it came time to go to school I was afraid to leave Dominic home alone. He's been sleeping since last night. Shauna said she would keep an eye on him, but I still felt like I needed to stay.

"Are you sure you got it," I asked biting my lip.

"Yeah. I can tell you care but Dominic would want you to go to school. He's tough, just go to school girly," Shauna told me.

"Okay. Don't tell him I told you, he'll get mad," I say before leaving.

I walked to school. When I got there the late bell had rang and I had to go to the office and get a pass from student services. So I walked up there. There was a woman sitting at the desk on her phone and doing her nails.

I stood there for a while waiting on her to acknowledge me. She looked but went back to her conversation rolling her eyes.

"Excuse me," I say clearing my throat.

She looks up at me annoyed.

"Can I please get a tardy pass, or are you too busy on your damn phone to do that," I ask the attitude evident in my voice.

"Hold up Summer," she putting her phone down.

"Listen here bitch. I don't have to give you a pass, so you can lose the attitude."

I kissed my teeth.

"I'm already having a bad day, okay. I was standing here for a good 10 minutes, okay! DO NOT TRY ME LADY! I'm this close from dragging you by your fake ass ponytail all across this damn office. Just give me a pass," I yell, getting in her face.

She called security on the loud speaker. I rolled my eyes. She turned to me, pointing her crusty, chopped nail in my face saying, "All y'all punk ass kids really think y'all bout something when y'all get in this school. Well news flash lil bitch — you don't run shit. Get to class and take that L."

"Don't put you fingers in my face again hoe and I'm not leaving without a pass," I say shrugging her off.

She got up again and her fingernail touched the til of my nose. I think I just lost it. Throwing down everything, I took my fist and swung at her. They just kept flying at her. Hit after hit, I never stopped until I felt my hand start to hurt.

Realizing she was not ready, she tried to run from behind the desk while she had the chance. But I wasn't having it. I hopped on the desk, grabbed her long ponytail and started punching and kicking the shit out of her. I was angry and just looking for an excuse to let out my pent-up anger.

I didn't even notice the two officers rushing into the office and a crowd of kids starting to form. My mind was only focused on beating her up until I got tired of it.

I felt two men grab me by my arms, so I held onto her hair, ripping it out and letting curse words spew from my mouth like a faucet. My tongue was so lethal even I got stung.

When they finally pried me off, the big guy came and together they all pinned me on the floor.

"Get off me," I yelled feelig everything just bubbling back inside.

I wasn't done. I needed some more time. His knee was in my back and another guy was holding my arms back. It hurt my shoulders from how forceful they were being. All of it made me want to rage out some more.

"Stay down," he barked at me.

I screamed and looked up to see Corrine running into the office. When she saw me under the knee of security and started yelling.

"Get the hell off my sister! She not not damn pig so let her go, holding her like that. She look hurt!"

They didn't listen and I started crying because it began to get harder to breathe with his knee pushing on my back.

"Step back. We have this under control," the man said.

"Get off! I can't breathe," I shout.

Everything just happens suddely. Corrine and 5 other kids all ran over, ganging up on security. I notice Marcus come in and he throws the man off me and picks me up. We're away from the mess and I can finally catch my breath thanks to him.

"You okay? What happened," he asked angrily.

I was shaking and I couldn't calm down. It was so bad I could barely think of the words to say to Marcus.

"Hey look at me, just calm down."

The fight had stopped. The kids who jumped in ran over to me and I started recognizing everyone.

Kavonte, China, Isaiah, Rena, Rebecca, and Corrine stood around me. Corrine pushed everyone aside and held my face looking at me.

"You okay Mercy," Corrine asked.

I nod.

"Okay good." She hugged me tightly.

We were all trying to calm down and catch our breaths when we saw men in blue walk in. Everyone hit the ground before they could even get close. It was at the moment, that I knew I'd fucked up.

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