When did dreams turn into reality? Chapter 12

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Eva's POV

I stared at him.

Just stared.

Just wondered.

Just thought.

But i didn't forget.

Park's fist came flying though the air, and crashed strait into Mitchell, sending his body crashing backwards as he lost some ground, his wings unable to move. My eyes narrowed tro slits and i dived down, my wings making me feel slightly queezy as i tumbled down after Mitchell. I grabbed his hand and jerked him upright. We locked gazes and a faint smile crossed his lips.

'I love you,' he whispered, and my heart froze.

'Just...Just don't die on me, kay?' My voice was soft, and my vision blurred.

Mitchell's grin grew slightly, before his gaze slided past me, and his grin disappeared. 'Ready?' He launched himself upwards, not waiting for an answer, his hand tight on mine.

'Saph?' I yelled, my mind instantly taking what seemed like millions of hunters.



'Saph?!' I yelled again, and Solo appeared by my side, Saphira clinging tight on to his back.

'Saph, we need to get on the ground, we fight better there. Solo, get back to your place and get as many people as you can to join us. Mitch, you get up to your relm and get all of the people you left behind, yeah? Don't argue with me, just do it. Saph, we gotta go,' I glanced at the boys to see they weren't moving and my eyes narrowed, 'the faster you fly,' my voice was soft, 'the faster you can come and get us.'

Solo and Mitchell locked gazes, and then Saphira was on my back, and the boys had disappeared into thin air. 'Well that worked,' Saphira commented dryly.

'Obviously,' a grin crossed my face, and i dived down to the ground, my body crashing into what seemed like a dinosour on two legs, sending him crashing to the ground, and away from one of my guys.

'Oh, you guys are gonna regret fighting against us,' Saphira snarled, jumping off my back, sword drawn.

I whipped out my own knife, and dived for the creature coming to back up hios buddy, my blade slicing though its blue skin, purple blood oozing from the wound. 'Urgh,' i muttered, and sliced off its head.

'Eva, behind you!' Saph yelled, and i spun, my arm out, and my sword nicked someone's shoulder, making him howl. He staggered to his feet and lurched towards me, anger clear in his eyes. I raised my sword, intending to finish him off...And then he crumpled to the ground, a knife buried deep in his flesh. 'What?' Saphira flashed me a grin, 'no one's aloud to hurt my little sis, 'cept me...obviously.'

We shared a grin, before spinning around so we were back to back, and found out that we were surrounded. 'Sooo,' I growled, 'anyone know when my boyfriend comin' back?' Three of them launched at me as i finished my sentence, and their mouths opened wide. Their jump stopped, meters in front of me, the mouths still wide open.

'What? To scared?' Saphira mocked from behind me, and the opened mouthed guys snarled at her, wisps of smoke escaping their mouths. 'Shit!' I yelled, my wings folding over in front of me and Saphira, becoming a sheild, 'fire breathers!'

As i said this, my wings seemed to explode in pain, and i let out a small wail of pain, before i cut my self off, gasping though the sharp needles of agony. 'Solo! Mitchell!' Saphira yelled, and i glanced upwards to see the worst sight yet.

Thousands upon thousands of monsters, hunters and other winged creatures were raning down on us...Which is when i realized that it was just me and Saph on the feild...And that we were probably going to die. I didn't bother to wait, i just spun strait around, ignoring the flames that licked at my back, grabbed Saphira around the waist, and hurtled myself upwards, prepairing to fight...For mine and my sister's life...Wow, this is really different from the wii game... Oh yeah, it would be, wouldn't it...This is real life.

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