When did dreams turn into reality chapter 2

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Saphira was glaring around the room her eyes resting on Mark, the school's man-slut and his bitch for the weekend, Fi.

'What?' Mark yelled at her, 'I didn't do anything,' he almost hissed the words. Mitchell's arms tightened around my body as Marks gaze rested on me and a small smile seemed to tug at his lips.

'We're going now,' Mitchell's voice was the same as ever, calm and collected with a hint of anger in his tone and very sexy.

Mitchell turned around swiftly and walked down the sea green corridors towards the front door, his body shaking slightly with what seemed to be...Laughter? Oh crap! I forgot he could read my mind.

Thoughts bounced around in my head, as I tried to figure how to get him out of my mind or put a block up. But all of those thoughts disappeared with the wind as we stepped outside. My mouth dropped open as we got outside. I've seen this stuff in my dreams but never in real-

'You ok?' Mitchell's voice brought me out of my daydream and I snapped my gaze up to his purple eyes.

'Yeah,' my voice came out in a whisper and suddenly the past seemed to crash down on me and I realised what had actually happened. I felt my eyes fill up with tears and felt one spill over.

'Hey, hey,' Mitchell murmured quietly, 'I didn't mean to make you upset.' He was still walking purposely...But not to the hospital.

What if I didn't know him? What if he was with that guy? What really just happened? What if I'm wrong and the other guy was right? What if I should be dead? What if Mitchell's taking me to die?

I jerked myself trying to get out of Mitchell's grip, tears were now about to blur my sight. I struggled furiously in his grip but his hands tightened on me, curling me up against his chest so he had my hands in one of his and my legs were pressed up close to his body. My head was on his shoulder.

He stared at me straight in the eyes and that was when I lost my vision. My head fell forward, under his chin and I burst into tears, my sobs shaking both of us.

'What's wrong? Eva, baby,' Mitchell was breathing quickly, shaking me, trying to get me to look up.

'Eva, please,' Mitchell begged as I turned my head further away from him, letting my tears fall on to the concrete floor.

My breathing was hitched and I struggled once more as we rounded the corner to the ruins of where the twin towers stood. That was when I went limp. Nothing could save me now I was going to die. I was going to-

'Eva,' Mitchell's voice was quiet, 'look at me.'

I kept my head down, staring at the floor. He grabbed my chin with firm fingers and tilled my face upwards so I was staring at him. 'Please tell me what's the matter,' he rocked me back and forth, pulling me closer to his chest, which was when I realised we were sitting down.

'Please,' my voice broke and I tried again, 'please let me...' I struggled again, knowing I had know hope.

'Eva, listen,' Mitchell whispered, his hands balling into fists on my stomach. 'What can I do to make you believe I won't- I can't hurt you. I love you.'

His cheek was pressed lightly against mine and my head was on his shoulder, so he couldn't see the tears leaking though. He could probably feel them though. His fingers sought out my chin again and pulled it upwards so I was starring at him.

We were centimetres apart; his breath was caressing my face. Before I could do anything he leaned in, causing our lips to touch. It was a feather light touch, but I didn't respond like I usually did.

Mitchell didn't pull back; he pulled me closer and put my balled fists up around his neck. 'Please, baby,' He whispered against my lips, lightly tracing the outline of them with his tongue.

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