Fourteen: "I Didn't Do It For Him"

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"Ta da!" Loki sang as the ship shot from the portal. The others hung on as to not be thrown about the ship.

The dark world was just that, dark and dim, and extremely vast. They began the long descent into the heart of it.

Jane was asleep, Thor placing his cloak over her as a blanket.

"What I could do with the power that flows through those veins," Loki mused.

"It would consume you." Thor sat at Jane's side.

"She seems to be holding up alright - for now. And for a mortal," Loki remarked.

"She's stronger than you think. In ways you couldn't even imagine."

"Perhaps, but that still doesn't change the fact that she's human, a mortal."

"And your point?"

"It won't last. It can't last. Say your goodbyes, don't get your hopes up."

"Not this day."

Sigyn looked up from where she was sharpening her daggers - she could feel another one of their infamous arguments brewing.

"This day, the next, one-hundred years, it's nothing," Loki spat, rising to his feet, feeling authority. "It's a heartbeat, you'll never be ready. The only woman's love you prize will be snatched from you-"

"Enough," hissed Sigyn.

"Oh, and would that satisfy you?" shot back Thor as if she hadn't spoken.

"Satisfaction's not in my nature."

"And surrender's not in mine."

Loki smiled smugly. "Son of Odin..."

"No, not just of Odin. You think you alone loved Mother? You had her tricks but I had her trust."

"Trust? Was that her last expression, trust?! When you let her die," Loki hissed accusingly.

"Well what help were you in your cell?"

"Who put me there? WHO PUT ME THERE?!"

Sigyn leapt to her feet and shoved him into the side of the ship. "You know damn well! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHO DID!" she screamed in his face. Then, realizing her sudden outburst, she drew back.

There was tense silence before Thor spoke. "Mother. She wouldn't want us to fight."

Loki gave a shrug. "Well she wouldn't exactly be shocked."

Thor couldn't help but chuckle. "I wish I could trust you."

"Trust my rage."

Silence once again befell the once-friends.

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