One: Best Friends

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"Loki! Loki!" While he was sitting out in the courtyard, Loki heard a familiar excited voice call his name. He looked up to see Sigyn running over to him, a potted plant tucked beneath her arm, her long golden-red hair swishing behind her as she ran.

"Look, look!" she cried, holding the plant out for him to see, her bright blue eyes glowing.

He looked down at it. "Your plant, it died." He couldn't see the source of her excitement.

"Yes, but look, look! Watch this!" She shoved the plant into his arms and held her hands out in front of her, eyes scrunched up, concentrating hard. Then she waved her hand over the plant and as she did, its colour returned and it grew to life again.

Loki's eyes widened and she beamed. "See! Your mother showed me how! She said I'd be growing my own gardens in no time!"

Loki smiled at his friend's excitement. "That's wonderful Sigyn, I'm happy for you."

She sensed that something was off. "What is it? Is something wrong?"


"Loki, don't lie. It's not good to lie."

He sighed and sat down again, she sitting beside him, holding her plant. His gaze fell to the ground. His dark eyes looked sad almost. "What if I don't prove that I am worthy? What if I don't turn out to be as great as Thor? What if I disappoint Father? He said we were both born to be kings, but I don't know, could I really be?"

She took his pale hand gently in her own. "Both you and Thor are great, and both in different ways. I think you are just as accomplished as him and have just a good a chance of being king. And Odin loves you both very much, and he will be proud of both of your accomplishments whatever they may be."

"You really think so?"

She smiled and gave his hand a squeeze. "Yes."

Now he smiled too. "Thank you Sigyn."

"I think you would make a good king."

"Maybe we could rule together, as king and queen! King Loki and Queen Sigyn of Asgard!"

"Queen Sigyn - I like the sound of that!" They shared a smile. Then grinning, she jumped to her feet. "Now come on, let's go and play some tricks on the guards!"

Now he was wearing his usual mischievous grin, his spirits and confidence lifted again. They had let go of each other's hands and he offered her his again, along with a little bow. "My Queen."

"My King." She curtsied in return and took his hand.

Hand-in-hand, the two youngsters raced off.

(So we've had a glimpse of how they are now, and how they were before :) hope you enjoyed, thanks so much for reading!)

All an Illusion - A Loki and Sigyn StoryWhere stories live. Discover now