Eleven: Broken

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While Thor had brought Jane to Asgard to try and help her, this seemed to do more harm than good

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While Thor had brought Jane to Asgard to try and help her, this seemed to do more harm than good.

It all seemed like a blur: Dark Elves led by the ruthless Malekith attacked, in search of the Aether. They destroyed much of the palace and slaughtered many people. And Frigga was dead - she had given her life in protecting their mortal guest. The whole realm was plunged into mourning.

The night of the funeral, Sigyn stood amongst the many mourners. But someone was missing. He should at least be allowed to attend the funeral, to share in the mourning, to say his last goodbyes to the woman who raised him.

She melted into the crowd and hurried inside and through the palace. She wouldn't allow him to be alone in this. It just wasn't right.

When she arrived at the dungeons, she fled past the guards who immediately tried to stop her. Odin had sent one to give the sad news to the prisoner. "My Lady, I do not think it is best right now - he is unstable-"

She kept walking. "No harm will come to me from him."

"Lady Sigyn-"

"Please leave us."

"My Lady, he won't stop screaming-"

Finally she stopped and turned to face them. "Is it any wonder?"

Finally, they let her pass. She didn't need them to escort her - she knew where she was going and even if she didn't, she could just follow the agonized screams.

He looked awful. Completely broken. And he was alone, no one to mourn with, trapped.

Pushing all the barriers that had recently been built around them aside, Sigyn unlocked and entered the cell. Slowly she approached, not wanting to startle him. Then she knelt down and wrapped her arms gently around his shaking frame.

"Sigyn?" he whispered in a broken voice into her hair. She felt his arms go slowly around her, as if worrying she would fade away again, another illusion. "Y-you're here-"

Just for a moment she let herself forget everything that had happened - she was here to be with and comfort her friend. "I'm here."


He'd stopped screaming. In fact, the guards said he had improved within the last few days. She didn't believe it. She knew him too well.

"Ah Sigyn." There he stood, his cell all put back together, and he looking much better than he had the night of the funeral. "There aren't many people who can sneak up on me. Like I said, you are of a lucky few."

"Loki stop, please. Enough illusions." Through her own magic she could sense his, could tell that it wasn't as strong as it usually was. Probably due to his grief. Still, he'd managed to fool the guards.

He sighed, defeated. She'd seen through him. He let out a low chuckle. "Very well. You got me." He bowed his head and the illusion faded, back to the scene from the funeral a couple of nights before. Oh Loki.

Since the attack and the opposition of the prisoners, most of those imprisoned were either dead now or had managed to escape. Loki was the only prisoner left.

Slowly, she approached the glass. "I came to see how you were doing."

He sat with his back resting against the wall, his tangled hair falling sharply in his eyes that were still red from crying. "And how do you think I'm doing?"

She sighed. "Loki-"

"Sigyn. It took my mother's death to make you come and see me. Really come and see me."

She saw his point. "Please leave us," she called to the guards, still standing alert in the doorway.

Naturally, they started to protest. "B-but, My Lady-"

"Leave us, please. And may I have the keys?" She held out her hand, awaiting the large, heavy ring of old keys. They were very hesitant, but finally gave in. One placed the key ring in her outstretched hand. "Y-you do realize that we must report this to the king."

"Go on then." And with that, still utterly shocked, the guards left, off to report her to Odin. But she didn't care.

Once they were finally gone she strode forward and unlocked the cell. She went and flipped the little bench back upright from where he'd knocked it over in his grief and sat down. She gave him a look of, well, here I am now.

A smile crossed his dry, chapped lips, and a gruff chuckle arose in the back of his throat. "I never knew you to be quite so rebellious."

"Who says I'm not?" He nodded. There was a pause. "If it's any consolation, everyone is faring about the same."

"It's not." But she thought she saw a flicker of something in his eyes, just a little gladness at knowing that Odin and Thor were just as distraught as he was.

"She wouldn't want us to be so sad," she said, trying to lift the mood, even if just a little. "She would want us to remember her fondly."

"Some are saying it's the mortal's fault. The love of Thor's life." He spoke mockingly. "I still have yet to meet her."

"Well don't get your hopes up. Thor is very protective of her, and now Odin has her confined to her chambers."

"A prisoner."


"Well then I'd say we'd get along rather nicely. We could be prisoners together."

"That's not the point of being a prisoner."

"No, I suppose not. The point is to isolate and humiliate-" He paused. "It would seem we have company..."

The heavy dungeon doors opened then, cutting them off, and in strode Odin, flanked by the two guards, and followed by Thor, Sif, Fandral, and Volstagg. Everyone there to see her sitting with Loki in his cell, everyone there to see her act of defiance. At least they would see Loki's state, see that he cared.

There was a flash however and Loki returned the illusion. Sigyn wasn't sure if the others could see through it like she had or not.

"Ah, Father, Brother, friends. Isn't this a nice surprise."

"Lady Sigyn." Odin addressed her, ignoring his younger son. "This behaviour is quite inappropriate and unacceptable."

Odin scolded her for her 'careless' behaviour. This helped her see it clearly herself - what had she done? What had she been thinking? How could she allow herself to be so lenient? Just as Sif said, she was indulging him. How could she have been so stupid, so, just that, careless? She couldn't allow that again. But there, in that moment in his cell, it had almost felt as before, their friendship. Almost as if she had her friend back...

(I wish they'd left that screaming part in the movie! It's so powerful! Once again, Tom's acting is superb!

Sorry for glossing over the battle, but I wanted to get to this part and have a nice moment between them :) I do imagine Sigyn being a badass during the battle with the Dark Elves though (we'll get to see her fight them later, I promise!

So I've started writing my Marvel OCs into 'Infinity War' and am really excited about it - I may end up publishing that story before this one is finished (I can't help it I'm too excited!)

I'm back now from my summer course so (hopefully) there will be more regular updates now! Thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed! :))

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