Twenty-five: The Revolution Has Begun

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"Revolution? How could this happen?" exclaimed Grandmaster. Of course on the day of his wedding there should be a revolution. He made an announcement across the whole city. "Loyal Sakaarians, that criminally seductive Lord of Thunder has stolen away my precious champion! Loyal Sakaarians, take to the skies! Find them! Do not let them leave this planet!"

From the window of her chambers, Sigyn could see ships speeding through the skies in a chase. "Good luck," she whispered with a smile.

All dressed in her flashy yet formal Sakaarian robes, a new version of her helmet as a headdress, and even with painted markings on her face, she headed to the city centre. It was time for her wedding. To the Grandmaster.

She had, of course, devised a plan for her escape. She had been practicing her magic vigorously up until today, fooling Loki included. By the time Grandmaster realized his bride was actually an illusion of herself, she would already be long gone. She just had to figure out the perfect moment to cast the illusion.

"Oh gods." As soon as she set foot outside, Sigyn was instantly overwhelmed by people, music, and colour. People danced in the streets, singing and cheering, colourful streamers rained down from the sky. This was certainly unlike any wedding she had ever attended. Asgardian weddings were very different than Sakaarian ones.

She made her way through the dense crowd and to the centre of the city where Grandmaster stood up on a raised platform. Great, everything was being projected onto big screens at the top of the tallest buildings, so the whole city could bear witness to the event. But of course - could she really have expected any less from Grandmaster?

And, it wasn't all bad, she supposed. Then everyone would see Grandmaster's humiliation once she tricked him.

"Yes, yes, wonderful isn't it?" Grandmaster said, waving to the adoring crowd as she was carried in a small ship up to join him on the platform. "Loyal Sakaarian's, thank you so much for coming and sharing in this exciting moment for me - ah, us. For us." The crowd erupted into more cheers.

"Ah, you look lovely, my dear." Grandmaster offered her his hand to help her down from the ship.

"Thank you..." Everything was even more overwhelming from here. They were at the centre of it all, literally surrounded.

"Who will be leading the ceremony?" she asked, noticing that they were the only ones standing on the platform.

"Ceremony? No one! We need to only say that we accept each other in marriage, and we'll be married!"

"Oh-" Time for her escape then.

"What? Is that not how you do it on, As, Ass-place?"

"Asgard," she corrected. "And no, we do things quite differently."

He was just opening his mouth to speak, probably to request silence from the still wildly-celebrating crowd, when there was a rumble and a large ship emerged from behind the buildings and approached.

"T-that's my ship," Grandmaster exclaimed as the spacecraft descended down to join them on the platform. The door slid open and a ramp extended down from it. A tall rock man emerged.

"Hey guys." He lifted a hand in a wave. "I'm Korg, this is Miek-" He gestured to the smaller creature standing at his side. "-And we just wanted to let you know that the revolution has begun, and if you have any questions or concerns you can take them up with our revolutionary leader."

Grandmaster stood, unimpressed. "Who's your leader?"

"Uh, what'd he say his name was again? Oh right, he said his name is 'The Rightful King of Asgard." Sigyn suppressed a laugh. There could only be one person...

"Who?" Grandmaster looked genuinely confused.

"Grandmaster!" A figure emerged through a cloud of fog which was now pouring out of the doorway. Fireworks from on the ship were set off as Loki, cape, helmet, dagger-flip, and all, strutted down the walkway towards them. Sigyn rolled her eyes. So theatrical, so dramatic, and so Loki.

"That's him." Korg pointed to Loki.

Loki stopped before her and Grandmaster just as the last bursts of fireworks and steam faded behind him. "I am Loki of Asgard, and I object to this."

Grandmaster waved over one of his guards. "Someone get me the Melt Stick. This is a capital offence-"

Sigyn shook her head, though grinned at her friend. "I thought you left already with Thor."

"Well I had some other business to attend to first."

"What are you doing, 'The Rightful King of Asgard'?"

"Something I should have done long ago-" And before anyone could stop him, he took her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. More fireworks from the ship went off behind them as the scene was projected before the whole of Sakaar. She wasn't sure if he had planned that, or if the fireworks had just gone off.

She pulled away, staring up at him, astonished.

SMACK! She struck him across the face. He stumbled back. "You're late," she accused. "And so is that kiss."

(Yay, FINALLY! Haha! ;) Just leave it to Loki to make a big deal out of it (not so low-key ;) haha, sorry, couldn't help myself! Every time one of my friends says low-key I'm always like, 'Loki!' :D

Also, just thought I'd let you know that I've started a separate book for my 'added-character' chapters as an introduction to my Marvel OCs, which includes the ones posted here and a few others for my 'Infinity War' story :) Thanks, hope it helps with any character confusion you may have! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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