Two: Coronation

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Some years later, the two princes had grown into young men, and their friend a young woman, with the duty of king being passed down to Thor, the eldest.

It was the day of his coronation. Soon he would be King of Asgard, Protector of the Nine Realms.

The brothers stood together outside the ceremony hall, both dressed in their ceremonial armour.

"Nervous?" questioned Loki.

Thor scoffed. "No Brother, of course not!"

Loki rolled his eyes.

"Oh there you are, I've been looking for you." Both brothers turned at the voice of their friend, Sigyn coming and joining them. Thor couldn't help but chuckle at the way Loki's jaw dropped and his eyes widened at the sight of her in her ceremonial gown. His brother couldn't be more obvious - Loki was completely and utterly in love with his best friend.

"So-" She gave Thor a punch on the arm. "Are you nervous?"

Thor chuckled. "No, why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Because you are," said Loki.

"I'm fine."

Sigyn hugged her friend. "Congratulations Thor, I'm happy for you. You should be proud."

"Oh he is," said Loki with a raise of his eyebrows.

"We should leave you. See you after the ceremony." With that, she and Loki left the soon-to-be-king, and headed to take their places within the hall.

Sigyn could tell Loki was troubled. "I never should have gotten my hopes up, really. I should have always known it would be him. Besides, he is Father's favourite."

"Oh enough of that," she sighed. "After all, you are someone's favourite." This caused him to stop complaining, and a smile appeared on his lips. She smiled back. "Maybe I can think of something that would cheer you up: dance with me at the celebration afterwards?"

"I would be honoured." Smiling wider now, Loki offered her his arm. "My Lady."

She linked her arm through his. "My Lord." Together, they entered the hall.

When they reached the front of the hall they separated their arms but still stood close.  Lady Sif came over and began chatting with Sigyn.  While they spoke, Loki spotted his mother looking at him from where she stood near the throne, watching him gawking over his friend.  She gave him a knowing smile.

Mother, his own gaze replied.  Frigga only continued to smile. 

The ceremony began shortly after. A beaming Thor made his way through the hall amongst the cheering crowd. He cheered himslef, soaking up the attention. When he reached the throne upon which Odin sat, he knelt down before his father, removing his helmet and setting down his hammer. He flashed a smile and wink at the ladies standing off to the side.

"Oh please," said Sif with a roll of her eyes.

Odin rose from the throne and beat his staff against the floor to silence the hall. Then he addressed his son before him. "Today is a very special day. Thor Odinson, my firstborn, I have seen you grow and learn, and I am truly proud of all that you have accomplished-" Sigyn saw Loki's jaw tighten. "-By the power invested in me, Odin Allfather, I hereby name you King of-" His words were abruptly cut off. Everyone was silent, waiting expectantly for what would happen next.

Odin drew in a sharp breath. "Frost Giants."


"AHHHHHH!" With a great yell, Thor heaved over the dining hall table, and the banquet that had been laid out for the celebration fell to the floor with a crash! He sat on the steps with a heavy sigh.

The issue with the Frost Giants, though they had been stopped, had been more important than the ceremony and therefore prevented it from finishing. He was not King.

He sensed a presence behind him. "It is unwise to be in my company right now."

"Who says we're wise?" Loki asked, he and Sigyn coming to sit on either side of Thor.

"We were hoping to offer some company of comfort," she added.

"This was supposed to be my day of triumph," growled Thor.

"It will come," Loki assured him. "In time." There was a pause. "Look, if it is any consolation, I agree with you, about the Frost Giants, everything. If they managed to push past Asgard's forces this time, who says they will not do so again, but with an army."

Thor was nodding. "Exactly."

"What's all this?" Volstagg, Fandral, Hogun, and Sif entered the room. "All this fine food gone to waste!" cried Volstagg, devastated.

"Thor, there's nothing you can do," Sigyn said.

"She's right. Not without defying Father," added Loki. At these words, something flashed in Thor's eyes. "Oh, no, no, no I know that look," Loki cried as Thor rose to his feet, now looking determined. "Thor, it's madness!"

"What is?" asked Sif.

Now Thor grinned. "We're going to Jotunheim."

"What?" scoffed Volstagg.

"This isn't like a journey to Earth were you summon a little lightning and thunder and the mortals worship you as a god," argued Fandral. "This is Jotunheim."

"We are just looking for answers," said Thor.

Loki face-palmed. Oh gods.

"Thor have you forgotten? It is forbidden," Sif reminded him.

Thor only chuckled. "My friends, have you forgotten all that we have done together? The Warriors Three, who has led you into many victorious battles?"

The three muttered. "You did."

Thor then turned to the ladies. "And who stood up to all those who scoffed at the idea that fair ladies couldn't be the most fearsome warriors the realm has ever known?"

The ladies exchanged a glance. "We did," remarked Sif.

"That is true, but I supported you Sif." Still, nothing. "Oh come now my friends. You're not really going to let us ride into Jotunheim alone are you?" He gestured to himself and Loki.

Loki looked up at his brother. "Us?"

"But of course. You will be there at my side, won't you brother?"

Loki smiled. "Of course, I would be honoured."

Sigyn sighed, defeated. "Fine. Besides, someone has to look after you."

Thor chuckled. "There, that's the spirit! Onward then my friends! We're going to Jotunheim!"

"I have a bad feeling about this," muttered Sigyn as the group made their way down to the stables.

"As do I," sighed Loki.

(And well we all know how that goes ;) there's the first glimpse at our current Loki and Sigyn, hope you liked it! Thanks so much for reading!)

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