May 13, 2014

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Today was interesting, yeah that is a good word to describe how my day went. For instance, the day was breezy and school didn't involve alot of hard work today which was good because I got only 3 hours of sleep last night due to the fact that I had stayed up reading a wattpad story recommended by my bestie ofcourse. 

So first things first, I didn't have chemistry homework today and that is very rare so I was pretty surprised, although she is assigning us a quiz for next class and her quizzes count as test grades. But I have the weekend to study for that shit so it's all good. Next up, my art teacher was absent which is also another rare sight since she is always at school and never not there. It was nice though not having her there, not to be mean or anything but she is quite old and she tends to babble, like alot. Oh and then we had a grammar lesson in english where my english teacher totally dissed the history teacher infront of everyone and that was definetly a rare sight to see. It sounds pretty lame, getting excited about your teacher going at it but my life is boring like that. I hope that this doesn't last long, this boring life phase. i mean I love my life but I need a little more adventure and adrenaline going on. 

Then I went home and I took my wallet and dashed to the beauty parlor to allow complete strangers to strip me of every inch of hair on my body and I paid them for it too because that is society and this is a world where women must hide their flaws, and yes growing hair like a wolf is considered a flaw because it's utterly disgusting. 

Then I went to visit my gammy and she is soo adorable and cute she gave me two new rings from her exquisite collection, and I was up and down with joy as usual. My gammy know how obsessed I am with rings and so everytime I visit her she lets me go with a little part of her and I love that so much about her that it makes visiting her even better. Grandmas are the bomb, didn't you know?

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