May 10, 2014

9 0 0


Ugh, tomorrow is sunday again. And for some crazy reason I woke up at 9 in the morning even though I slept at 3am last night. Today I just didn't feel like doing anything so I sat at home in front of my computer screen and watched my tv series all day. It was a lazy day for me especially because on thursday and friday it was pretty eventful. I don't want to go back to school tomorrow because I'm honestly not in the mood for it but I know I have to. I just hope that this week passes by as fast as last week did so that we can get over it and move on to the weekend again. 

Okay so when I was a kid, one day I was flipping through youtube videos and I came across one from Jennifer's Body the movie, and at the time I didn't know what movie it was but I was always dying to watch it. and so time passed and years flew by and the other day I see this gif on tumblr from the movie and I don't know how but it reminded me of the clip I saw on youtube all those years ago, so I searched up the movie and found out what it was called, and I watched it today. To me, it was such a good movie and I enjoyed it, because it was kind of like a childhood movie that stayed true to the plot, and ironically it was a horror movie. I think that because it was made in 2009 it was really cool to add in the Lesbians, and bisexuals and as I was watching the movie I was kind of picturing the crowd reacting in a theatre hall to the movie and I was just really impressed with the way it came out.

Anyways, back to the topic of school, now since last quarter I've been focusing on bringing my grades up I'm afraid that because I did bring them up I won't put in any effort any more and I really don't want that to happen because I want to keep my grades nice and high and just keep them higher and higher. l want to acheive this and l want a 4.0 gpa score so I need to continue on improving and becoming even better at school. 

Today was totally the chill back because I didn't do anything at all and it was kind of nice to have a day where I didn't worry about school and it's crazy shit, all I thought of was what I was going to do next to pass the time. I found cool bands to listen to and I think I'm addicted to bands now.. Oh and for the next weeks I'm going to have to go on extreme dieting since there are a couple of event happening in the next few weeks so hopefully my diet plan will work and make me look like a sexy chic at those events. Fingers crossed.

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