February 22, 2014

14 0 0


Homework day, yay? Nay! 

Today was such a busy day, I literally went out 3 times, and I felt so tired at the end. I was supposed to do homework but I had been doing homework all week and I needed a day to run errands. Which I did. They were not particularily fun, but they got me out of the house and got my blood pumping. I went to go buy some groceries and some school supplies that I had needed, I wish I had gone to the beauty parlor though, that would've made my day even better. 

My horscope had warned me about trying to do work today, it said that it was just not the day for this and I could do it later, and I think it was right because I did kind of get a kick out of just leaving the house constantly. It also distracted my mind from things I wanted to think about but I knew I couldnt think about right now. I'm becoming closer to god now, putting my faith and religion before everything. I haven't done that in a while but I am giving up to the point where I am just asking god to guide me and take me wherever. 

I feel like today helped me let loose even just a little because when I went shopping for groceries I actually found it fun and refreshing, something to think about. I think that so many things were running through my head during the weekend to the point where I felt like I was worthless but today, I felt like I was reborn again and I want to go by a motto for myself. 

Everyday I will wake up to a new day, a new opportunity to please god, and a new chance to be something in this world. We all have a purpose in life and some of us need to look for it where as some of us have already found it. 

Tomorrow I'm supposed to be going to school. So I am going to go and I am going to get through the day. I am strong, and no man can break me. 

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