May 7, 2014

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Report cards come out today, yay? nay. Well for the most part, my report card looked good, I'm between an A+ and a A- except  for history which is driving me crazy. I think that I deserve these grades because I've honestly worked so hard this quarter and it flew by so fast because I was working continuously at it trying to get my gpa to go higher and hell I'm patting myself on the back. 

Today we had a school assembly about the Malaysia trip that I went on earlier this year, and the girls who went on the trip were asked to share their experiences with the audience in order to try and give them an idea of what it was like if they wanted to go. Honestly, I hadn't thought about the trip in a while, and even though it changed me as a person, I was reminicsing today on the events that took place and the lessons that were learnt and I'm actually glad that I went on the trip. So much happened and so much has had such a positive effect on me creating another person out of me. At the beginning I didn't want to go to the trip and at the airport I had regrets, but after the experience it was truly amazing what I had learned and how I had connected with the people I went with. Everyday we take things for granted, not knowing that there is someone out there wishing that they can have just a glimpse of what we think is nothing. I used to hear stories about orphans and people who didn't have enough food to eat or homes to come back to and I used to dismiss these thoughts. I'm sure all our parents have told us to finish what on our plates because there are needy people out there and we've just say yeah yeah not giving another moment to think about the situation. Well going there and seeing it happen in front of my own eyes, it truly surprised me, I didn't think that with today's advancement that there would still be needy and hungry people out there, not to mention children. I know that I can be a heartless bitch sometimes but even I have a heart and emotions. It was so sad seeing those kids just relying on each other and waiting for the next day to bring something better. That was not the only thing I had learned from the trip because I also learned to be independent and how to be responsible and work fast in tough situations. It wasn't easy, it was challenging and that was what made it memorable and a learning experience. 

I was thinking about Senior year this week, and how I really want to make my Senior year, different, special, and unique in it's own way. I wanna be a leader to those other girls who are still waiting to graduate, I want to inspire the other girls in my school to be the best version of themselves and to keep living life as best as they can. I wanna make positive changes to the school that helps it grow, and even if there are flaws in my school, i want to learn to accept those flaws and try and improve them instead of dwelling on them. And I think that is what will hopefully make my Senior year, a memorable one. 

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