March 21, 2014

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What a busy day, I ran around town to get some school supplies for all my upcoming project and I had a huge headache when I came back. I watched Divergent, finally! I loved the movie ofcourse but there were alot of parts that they cut from the book and I wasn't too happy about that, I am feeling utterly exhausted and I think that I'm just going to have to do all my assignments and projects tomorrow, which means waking up extra early. 

I have been so stressed lately and I just keep getting worse and worse. I am trying to get my gpa into an A+ and that's why I've been focusing so much on school stuff and not my social life. For example, I am not even caught up to my tv shows for this week and I am behing on so many of them, I don't go out on thursdays anymore for the weekend, and I've been sleeping awfully early and getting up super early to do more homework. I just hope that this all pays off once I'm in senior year because I'm literally putting so much of my time into this. I don't even have a social life anymore, I used to check snapchat atleast in the morning before I go to school, now I just review for my classes. I'm such a nerd, but I guess that I wanted to be a nerd, all year long right? Only thing now is I need to balance my life a little and have both fun and work. I miss hanging out with my bestie and laughing our minds off together and going to my friends houses, but sophomore year is a bitch. It work, work, work, and no play. 

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