[50] House of Lights

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"Jerome, talk to me. Help me understand why you just did what you did," Camilla spoke in an eerily calm voice, especially with how her body language was reading so much anger.

This was dangerous territory Jerome was trending in and they both knew it.

There was a pause as Camilla looked around the room for something it hit Jerome with – enough so he'd move away from the bloody door so she could run out and save Alfie. In the corner next to Alfie's bed was a baseball bat made of foam – in theory for use inside the house even though Alfie, Mick, Fabian and Jerome had managed to get it banned from inside use one rainy afternoon when rounders went extremely wrong and a very expensive vase was broken.

"Camilla wait, let me explain." She heard Jerome mutter to her as he glanced over to the bat, easily putting two and two together. Camilla ignored Jerome and let her anger fuel her powers, not caring that Jerome would see what she could now do. He wanted to be noise and know what was going on, then hell be it! She would hopefully scare him enough to tell her what he was doing – something in her gut told her he was close to danger, and he would be the reason the rest of them would be in danger and she had to be prepared. If that meant swearing or even scaring him to secrecy then that's what she would have to do. Camilla extended her right hand, ring glowing on her middle finger plain to see to them both. Slowly, almost gracefully, in complete contrast to the tension in the room, the bat rose into the air and flew elegantly into the small females waiting hand. Causing Jerome to look at her in awe, jaw dropped, "what the hell was that?" he asked once he had fully computed that what he saw wasn't a trick.

"Clearly you want to know whats going on despite me warning you how dangerous it is," Camilla told him trying not to let her anger take over, holding the bat out towards Jerome, Camilla seeing the red electric-like magic as it raced down the bat, "Why did you lock Alfie up. I'm listening. You don't have to tell me everything, just don't lie to me." Camilla warned Jerome.

Jerome gulped and for a second Camilla thought he was going to lie to her about the whole thing until she saw his shoulder sag, "I... I went through Patricia's phone when you lot went out of the room during lunch yesterday..."

Camilla nodded knowing when he was talking about.

"I stole a contact off her phone, I phoned them and we met up. He is paying me to find out information about what your up too." Jerome explained quickly. "Out of your little group, you and Alfie are the two I know best, and I knew id get nothing from you... so..."

As he trailed off Camilla finally understood why he had locked up his friend. To play hero, and manipulate Alfie into giving him information. "So, you decided to manipulate and scare your best friend for money? I could murder you right now, do you know how pathetic and cowardly that makes you!" Camilla angrily hissed at him, before she thought over his words. "Wait 'He'? who's he?"

She knew. Deep down she knew who 'He' was but she wanted to be wrong. She wanted Jerome to name some other man but...

"Rufus Zeno..."

Those two words from Jerome's mouth caused Camilla's whole demeanour to change, turning away from him and dropping the bat to the floor, "oh son of Set," she cursed under her breath. "Oh Jerome, you have no idea what you've done." Of course, they hadn't experienced the worst of Rufus not yet, but Camilla knew Jerome talking to the man was not a good thing.

"What? What do you mean?" he asked taking a step forward, Camilla was no longer angry he could read that. What worried him was the fear that shone in her eyes. Fear that wasn't there until he had said Rufus's name.

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