[07] - House of Eyes

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The moment morning classes were over, Camilla wasn't even given a chance to escape with Alfie and Jerome. Amber had decided Camilla was her new best friend (much like how Patricia and Mara were chumming up so much these days). Camilla thought it was because Amber clearly knew there was no way in hell that Camilla would go after her boyfriend and liked having a girl who was around her. After all, she liked having Amber as her friend. No more. No less (this was also part of the reason that Nina was slowly becoming one of Amber's besties. Also, it was clear that girl only had eyes for Fabian). So that was how Camilla found herself being dragged around the school by Amber, hearing way too much about Mick being jealous and a lot of gossip. She was surprised the goddess knew about almost everyone in their year.

It wasn't until they got back to the house at the end of the day did she finally find herself free from Amber after telling the girl she wanted to change out of her uniform. As a nice friend, she had asked if the girl wanted her to dump her room for her, but Amber shook her head before walking into the living room, probably looking for Trudy.

"Freedom!" Camilla couldn't help but whisper as she all but ran up the stairs, bumping into Jerome and Alfie as they left Mara and Amber's room.

"What are you doing here?" Camilla and Alfie spoke simultaneously, both of them coming to a pause as they saw each other.

"I asked you first!" Then, Camilla and Jerome spoke, causing her to let out a growl of annoyance.

"She-Rutter, how about we won't tell you our plans, and then you don't need to worry your little head," Jerome spoke, trying to pat her head condescendingly, but Camilla moved back, so he couldn't. She looked from Alfie to Jerome, trying to spot what they were up to, but both simply smiled at her.

"Fine. But I don't trust either of you," she muttered after a while before brushing past them both to walk into her own room. Missing whatever it was, Alfie called as a response.

Camilla had all but fallen asleep, having planned on having a 40-minute nap before they were all called for dinner, seeing as she had done all her homework in study hall that afternoon. But alas, the girl never got to have the nap she had been craving since lunchtime. To Camilla, it felt as if her head had just hit her pillows when Amber burst into her room, Nina being towed behind her. Without a single word being spoken, Amber grabbed Camilla's arm and haled her from her bed with surprising strength, dragging both Camilla and Nina to her bedroom.

"See! My plan totally worked after all!" Amber said, talking more to Camilla than Nina, but still, she wanted the American's opinion. Camilla looked on the bed to see a message in sweets asking to meet up that evening. This caused her to frown; something about the whole thing seemed off. Still, before she could voice those concerns, Amber was talking again, "I obviously made him wild with jealousy" Camilla tried not to react as she remembered Amber's kiss as an attempt to make Mick jealous, "and now he wants to apologise for his bad behaviour with Mara and kiss and makeup" Nina caught Camilla's eye, and they both hid their grins. Amber's one-track mind was always something to be relied upon. As Amber moved towards her wardrobe, Camilla got herself comfortable on the girl's bed. She knew the routine well enough now. Nina and herself would be in the room for at least 40 to 50 outfit changes before Amber was happy.

"I'm sure that's true," Nina started as she watched Amber pull out outfits, "if he's the one who sent it..." there was an air of 'what if' around how Nina ended the sentence, and Camilla remembered Alfie and Jerome were sulking around when she got back from school.

"Nina's right. How do you know it was him? There is no signature..." Camilla added, looking at Amber.

"Of course, it was Mick!" Amber exclaimed, going out her way to dump the clothes she had looked out on Camilla, causing the girl to let out a small scream in surprise.

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