[14] - House of Intruders

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Seeing someone as strong and independent as Patricia Williamson broken and shaking was something that shocked not only Camilla but from the gasps behind her most of Anubis house. After her scream, that awoken everyone no one said anything except Trudy and Victor with everyone else hovering around the room with concerned looks upon their faces. They had all been sat in Patricia and Mara's room for at least an hour while the policeman who arrived took Patricia's statement before Victor showed him out of the house. As none of them wanted to leave Patricia everyone else was crowded in her room, Camilla was stood between Jerome and Alfie near the door watching as Patricia hugged Trudy muttering over and over again that she had seen someone. "This better not be some joke of you two's" Camilla muttered softly, knowing both boys could easily hear her.

Thankfully, though she felt bad once she saw their shocked faces, both boys looked down at the girl startled. "We wouldn't go this far," Jerome muttered back, though Camilla couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in disbelief at that. Jerome and Alfie had a bad habit of not knowing when to stop a joke until someone got hurt, but she knew this time it wasn't them. As she watched Trudy gather Patricia in her arms to comfort the girl, Camilla couldn't help but wonder who the man was that Patricia saw, and why did he seem too fascinated in getting the girls attention?

Those were the questions that hunted Camilla as she sat down to breakfast the next day – her friends could see she was deep in her thoughts so didn't bother to disturb her, it wasn't until Trudy called her name did Camilla finally pull her attention away from her thoughts. Trudy was stood at the bottom of the steps with her arms around Patricia – Camilla was running late but thankfully Victor was more preoccupied with Patricia missing school to scold the female twin about that. "Oh, Camilla perfect timing," Trudy told the girl with a smile as she skipped down the last few steps, "I will need you to pick up any homework for Patricia today if that's okay."

"Sure that's fine," Camilla said with a smile and shrug. She had been looking for an excuse for a while now to talk to Patricia about everything going on without ruining the idea they were no longer friends, now Trudy had given her the perfect opportunity with Victor being present to hear it too. That means if any of the teachers asked he could say Camilla was only doing what she was told, not that the two girls were friends again. Sending Patricia a small smile, it was clear she had had the same thought process as Camilla, the girl left Anubis house and hurried to the school.

Most teachers didn't question it when Camilla asked for work for Patricia – the girl made sure to do the rounds before her first class of the day as she knew something would come up and cause her to forget about it - but as the girl wandered into French class she knew Mrs. Andrews may be a totally different ball game – she was one of the ones who may go to Victor so the girl had to be on her guard.

"I could do with another 3 hours sleep, I'm spent." Mick moaned just as Camilla hid a yawn behind her hand causing Fabian to smirk at her. The night time adventures as well as Patricia's wakeup call had them all tired.

"Do you really think she did see a G.O.S.T?" Amber asked. The girl's sincerity and the look on Fabian's face as he heard her miss-spelling of the word ghost caused Camilla to bit back a laugh.

Mick, however, was used to Ambers, Amber-ish ways and instantly retorted with a solid, "No. nothing could get past Victor the Death-watch beetle. He could scare a ghost to death." Mick joked, causing Amber to smile at him clearly smitten. "Where do you wanna sit?"

Much too both the twin's surprise Amber rushed past Mick and sat down in Fabian's normal seat next to Nina. "I guess she is sitting next to Nina today," Camilla commented, "You two are table buddies," with that Camilla pushed past the boys and claimed her normal seat – though today alone – behind Jerome and Alfie.

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