[02] House of Attitude

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Camilla had expected Patricia to have a rant at the other residents of Anubis house. So she was not surprised to see everyone fall silent and stare the moment Nina and herself walked into the living room. Everyone gave both girls odd looks, and Camilla was more than happy to cross her arms and glared back at them all. They were being very rude. However, before the twin could say anything to her friends, Nina was to break the silence that had fallen in the room, "Hi, I'm Nina, from America." Without even thinking, Camilla mouthed along with the girl's greeting, which she had heard three times already now, glancing at Patricia and fighting back a laugh as she noticed her friend had done the same thing. Patricia shot Camilla a smile, and the girl knew that she wasn't annoyed that Camilla had befriended Nina.

"Hey," Fabian said lamely, almost mirroring the exact greeting Camilla gave the girl, which caused Camilla to let out a loud laugh. This is what caused everyone to relax a little, Alfie getting to his feet and looking Nina up and down.

"Welcome, Spacegirl." He told her as a sort of greeting, which caused Camilla to shoot a look at Fabian as she tried to explain why Alfie was calling Nina this. Unsurprisingly, she didn't get an explanation as Alfie started to make weird noises in his 'Alien Language', which was as adorable as it was in Camilla's mind. She could see the confusion in Nina's eyes as everyone laughed at his antics.

"Cut it out, Alfie," Camilla laughed well naturedly, simply getting a two-finger salute from the boy before he wandered over to the dining room table. Mara caught Camilla's eye, and almost instantly, their house mother, Trudy, called them all to the table. It was an inside joke among the girl that Alfie had a hidden talent to know when and where to find food at all times. All the girls, with the exception of Nina (who wasn't in on the joke) and Patricia (she was a little worried about Joy and too busy hating on Nina to be in a jokey mood) all grinned at one another as they made their way towards the table for dinner.

Camilla had settled herself in her normal seat between Alfie and Fabian when she looked up to see Nina waiting on everyone else to get seated before sitting herself down. Her first choice of chair was Ambers seat. Camilla couldn't help but frown a little at this but stopped when she felt a jab in her side, causing her to look away from Nina to glare at her brother, who looked at her innocently. Honestly, she didn't think she was doing anything wrong by keeping an eye out on her new friend, Patricia was on a rampage, and she knew Nina was going to be the one who would get the brunt of her rage mainly because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"That's my seat," Amber told the girl, who instantly jumped to her feet. It was clear she didn't want to cause any trouble.

"Oh, I'm sorry, do you want to-"

Before she could continue, Amber was talking again. "Where's Mick?" this question had Camilla choking on her food as she tried not to laugh. Amber's one-track mind had always been a source of entertainment for her.

"Eh, I don't even know who you are..." Nina said, shooting her only friend a look, and Camilla shrugged her shoulders as if to say, 'that's normal, don't worry. Not getting the answer she wanted from the American girl Amber thrust the pepper grinder into Nina's hands before leaving the room. Nina slumped back into the chair, and Camilla turned her attention away from her. Alfie and Jerome were whispering over the table to one another.

Camilla leaned over a little bit and poked Jerome in the cheek to get their attention. "Oi, what you two gossiping about?" she mocks whispered, causing Alfie to laugh at the blonde's glare at the female twin.

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