[42] House of Masks

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The damage control Camilla assumed she'd have to do with Amber thinking Mick and her would be getting back together didn't actually need to happen. Camilla found out – through a rant of Ambers – that she had walked in on Mick asking Mara out. Though from the look in Amber's eye she knew there would still be drama to come involving that three so she was on edge waiting to see what the blonde would do next.

Camilla walked into her room and let out a loud groan as she fell onto her bed, not noticing Nina sat crossed legged reading. "You okay Cam?"

"Nina?" Camilla asked, lifting her head and finally noticing her roommate. "Yeah, yeah Amber's got some drama I'm sure you'll get the same rant later." This caused the girl to let out a laugh and Camilla finally sat up and took in what Nina was doing, "What are you reading?"

"Oh..." before Nina could say anything the door to their room creaked open once again and Fabian and Patricia wandered in.

"Hey!" Fabian exclaimed seeing Nina, "your back."

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Patricia asked as she wandered over to Camilla's bed and pulled her off so they could have an unofficial Sibuna meeting.

"Not exactly," Nina started, Camilla's curiosity about what Sarah had said taking over more than her need to should at Patricia for manhandling her. "But, I did find this in the attic," she told them holding the papers up she had been reading to Fabian so the girls could read it over his shoulder. It was an old newspaper article describing Sarah, Victor and Rufus funding the Anum Academy boarding school in the 1960s.

"Whoa." Fabian and Camilla said as one.

Patricia took the paper off Fabian and sat down on Nina's bed, "this photo was actually taken in the 1960s?"

"Yep," Nina answered.

"But Rufus and Victor have hardly changed," Camilla commented.

"Yeah," Nina said looking at them, "and Sarah's aged normally I know."

"so does this mean..." Fabian paused before lowering his voice a hint of excitement in his tone, "the elixir?"

"Really does exist?" Nina asked just as excitedly, "well yeah, I think it does."

"and Victor isn't the only one taking it," Camilla said pointedly looking at Rufus's glowering face in the picture."

"You know when Rufus held me in that warehouse?" Patricia said after a moment, "he said him, Victor and Sarah went back a long way, they were connected in a way I'd never understand." Patricia looked at Nina as Camilla took the paper off the girl, "well looking at this it seems they all were friends even."

"Business partners at least," Camilla muttered with Fabian humming his agreement next to her.

"Sarah said something today about being betrayed," Nina said softly, the worry was clear in her voice. Before she could say anything Alfie came bursting into the room.

"Guys suppers ready?!" Instantly Nina grabbed the paper from Camilla's hands and hit it behind her, as they all turned to their favourite goofball. Alfie looked at them all with a smile, "What's this a little secret meeting? Wicked! "

"Alfie would you tell Trudy we'll be down in a minute," Nina started and from the looks, Patricia and Fabian shared Camilla knew they hadn't told Nina Alfie was on team Sibuna now. "we just need to finish something..."

Fabian turned to open the door for him as Nina made shooing motions with her hands.

"Oh," Alfie sounded a little defeated and Camilla couldn't look at him so she kept her gaze on Patricia, out of the 4 Sibuna's she knew she would be the one to break when it came to Alfie. She hated keeping secrets from him, their friendship meant more than that. "Yeah alright then, em, but keep me in the loop yeah..." Camilla could hear the tone of his voice change as he was ushered away, Alfie was innocent and you could tell he truly cared, "you know, we're like family now." With that, he left.

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