[31] House of Codes

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"JOY!" Patricia screamed in shock, looking out into the audience. Camilla glanced to Fabian at the other side of the stage to see if he knew what their friend was so surprised at. From the small shrug he gave Camilla as a response she knew he was just as confused as she was.

"Eh," Patricia paused as she looked around and it appeared as if she realised where she actually stood. "Joy..." she started again a little less enthusiastically, "Joy....." she paused again, Camilla could almost see the cogs turning in her friend's brain as she tried to figure out what bit of dialogue in her open had joy in it. "Joy and Sorrow! The Joy of Egypt, its monarch Tutankhamun is dead. And, eh, and sorrow sweeps the land."

From next to her at the side of the stage, Mr Winkler was flipping through pages of the script at a rapid pace trying to get to the section Patricia had decided to start the play on.

"Let no man enter, and desecrate his sacred pyramid," Patricia concluded with a bash of her staff against the floor before turning and walking off stage.

"Let's try to stick to the script next time Patricia." Mr Winkler whispered as Camilla fixed Nina's hat so it sat better on the hair she and Amber had spent an hour putting ringlets in, before sending her a small reassuring smile before gently pushing her on stage.

"My name is Sally," Nina started, "I am seven years old. The time has come, my story shall be told. I feel only sorrow, like a bird without wings. My parents are leaving, for the valley of the kings."

From the side of the stage, Fabian gave Camilla a small nudge as he watched Nina proudly, "Your work is being performed, and it's amazing." He whispered to his sister who gave him a grin before he looked away a little embarrassed."

"Go, Nina!" Amber commented to them, "She should totally get an agent."

"Yeah, yeah, totally," Patricia said in a half-hearted tone as she tried to peer out of the curtain to see the audience.

"You okay Trish?" Camilla whispered, but she got ignored. Instead, she turned her attention to the opposite side of the stage where Mick and Mara stood. The two seemed deep in conversation but god knows what about, Camilla was quite done with everything that involved the two at the moment.

"Mick, Mara. Stand by please." Mr Winkler whispered.

Camilla couldn't help but add, "And you kiss for real this time." She threatened. Causing them both to roll their eyes but nod at her.

"My Parents are setting out –" Nina dramatically monologued on stage.

Patricia, however, grabbed the twins and dragged them to the curtains, "Joy is sat out there, in the same room as Victor. We have to warn her how dangerous that is." Patricia informed the twins.

"If he took her in the first place," Fabian started, "I'm guessing she already knows that."

"We need to keep watching for a reaction from him," Camilla informed the two.

"Oh, good luck." Amber sassily replied. Causing Patricia to snigger.

"Work is very important." Mick started on the stage, as Patricia, Fabian, and Camilla watched Victor from the curtains. Victor seemed as stone-faced as ever. Almost as if he felt the play was a complete waste of his time. "We must go. Goodbye Sally."

"Fabian!!!" Camilla hissed, as she pulled away from the curtain, recognising his cue coming up and pulling her twin with her.


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