[49] House of Harsh

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"Twist and Turn, Twist and Turn, Twist and Turn," Camilla chanted softly under her breath, her ring glowing as she, Fabian and Nina watched the upper lens of the telescope slowly turn so the writing wouldn't be in focus for Victor. The moment Camilla was happy with the small work she did she instantly turned her ring around and hid it against her palm, holding onto the couch as a dizzy spell washed over her. There had to be a way she could use magic without feeling drained, her nose bleeding, or her emotions were at their highest.

"Wait, Victor!" Fabian tried to delay the man as Camilla worked, "I can hear Alfie and Jerome having a water fight!"

The man, of course, didn't believe a word Fabian said, but the pause was what was needed for him to miss the lenses move though the dull light glow was still on them causing Camilla to pull an uneasy face as Victor put his eye to the lens. Hopefully, he didn't notice the magic glow.

Fabian saw his sister's reaction and watched the telescope as it moved a small smile creeping onto his face, Nina watching too with her mouth open in awe – apparently Camilla's magic secret was now going to have to expand past just the twins. Camilla knew one day she'd have to tell someone else, but she didn't think she'd have too so soon. She was still in the unknown when it came to her powers, it was fine for Fabian to know at this stage because she knew no matter what he loved her, but other people judged and she wasn't sure if she was ready for that. Not quite yet.

The three Anubis residents waited with bated breath as their caretaker looked into the telescope before he stood up and looked at them all with a confused look on his face Camilla couldn't read. "Only you Rutter's... only you two would choose such a cloudy night to stargaze," he said looking from Fabian to Camilla, both of whom were trying their hardest not to look relieved at getting away with what they just had. "Get to your rooms, all of you! You have five minutes precisely!" he warned them. A warning none of them needed repeating as they all but ran from the living room.

Leaving Victor watching the three-run off with a curious gaze, his eyes going between the Rutter twins unsure, his hand going to the pendant that still was around his neck. As much as he had pretended more out of shock, that he didn't see the red glow that came off the telescope. Magic always had an annoying way of it a glowing or leaving a wispy trail that lasted always a second too long.

Did that mean it was time? Was it time for him?

He knew of the what was expected of the Protector before Isis's Mage, but he didn't think it would be him who would have to take up the mantel, he always felt the story said he was to prepare the Protector for the Mage not be the Protector for her Mage. Until the Mage stepped forth, he had two suspected people as to whom it could be, he'd wait, hoping for once he was wrong. Knowing if Camilla Rutter particularly had been chosen as his Patron's great Mage, he'd be in for a lifetime of sarcasm and her continual defiance of his rules... the elderly man wasn't sure if he was ready for that. No. Not quite yet. However, he knew he would be when his patron deemed the time was right. 

Of course, the three couldn't wait to tell the rest of the Sibuna's of their discovery at breakfast the following day. "The riddle defiantly said light the way, find the demi sphere hidden below"

"Whats a demi-Sphere?" Alfie asked instantly, asking the question Camilla had been too scared to ask out loud... what she was a Rutter twin, they had a family reputation built around how smart they were. Thankfully Fabian seemed to have a confused look on his face too so maybe they hadn't come across it in all their summers in museums.

"I don't know..." Nina shrugged, "Half a hemisphere?" she suggested.

"Hidden below..." Patricia pondered out loud. "Does that mean hidden in the cellar?" she suggested looking around at the table.

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