[24] House of Scares

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To say they were all spooked was an understatement and a half. However, they didn't have much time to do much more than stealing the photo and quickly put everything back before rushing to the dining table again just as Victor came through the door looking even more annoyed than usual.

The reasoning for Victor's annoyance wasn't explained until the next morning when a couple of workmen arrived and started to dismantle the cameras. It seems that during school the day before Mr Campbell (Mick's dad) had arrived and thanks to the quick thinking of Amber, she managed to talk him into seeing the cameras for the invasion of privacy that they were – causing Victor to take them down.

"So Victor," Camilla heard Jerome say as she made her way to the upstairs entrance hall, "Back to the old fashioned back searches and peering through keyholes, eh?" Camilla glanced down the stairs to see the duo – Jerome and Alfie – approaching a forlorn Victor as he watched his beloved cameras be taken down.

"Don't you have classes to go to?" the man asked the duo.

"Just waiting for Lady Camilla!" Alfie replied, holding his hand out to Camilla as she reached the bottom step. Camilla took it and the two made a grand display of Camilla taking Alfie's arm – like they were in some Jane Austin film or something before leaving with a chuckling Jerome behind them.

"Victor, have a grand day!" Camilla laughed, giving the man a wave before they left the Anubis building.

At school Camilla split off from the duo as they reached Fabian's locker, waving at the two before she turned her attention to her brother. If Fabian knew Camilla was there, he made no sign to acknowledge her as she leaned against the locker next to his waiting for him to finish putting his stuff away. In fact, he didn't say much at all until Amber, Nina and Patricia came around the corner. "Guys, Guys!" he whispered, frantically beckoning the girls over, causing Camilla to stand straighter and raise an immaculately plucked and filled eyebrow (Amber's handiwork of course) at him. Normally she would have moaned about him ignoring her – of all people Camilla felt her brother should acknowledge her existence – but Fabian seemed to be excited about something and she could only assume he had found something or figured something out.

Fabian pulled out a book from his bag as he spoke, "I woke up early this morning and went back under the stairs, and I found this." He held out the leather-bound book for them to see, opening it to show them the title.

"H. G. Wells the time machine?" Nina read aloud, the confusion they all felt clearly heard in her voice.

"Yeah, eh, it's be-leathered like it says in the clue," Fabian explained, "and it's about time travel so, it could be the only place where yesterday always follows tomorrow."

Nina looked at him as if he was genius or something whereas Camilla gave him a scrutinizing look – it didn't feel right to her as a clue, "yes! What did you find?" Nina asked him.

"Actually nothing yet, but if it's in there I will!" Fabian reassured the American.

"Oh!" Patricia turned to Camilla, "Amber wants to see the photo of Victor the ever-living."

The night before they had agreed Camilla keep the photo on her until they figure out a safe place to keep the evidence, the girl fished the photo out of her bag and handed it over to the blonde goddess.

"That is so creepy!" Amber said after a few moments looking over the picture.

"Look whats ever creepier," Camilla told the girl, as she pulled out the other pictures they had found, "there were two or three other ones as well. All of them from different years."

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