[23] - House of Numbers

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Nina informed Amber and Camilla about her discovery of the Frobisher-Smythe's maybe having stolen artefacts and hidden them around the house the next morning, which instantly lighted their moods – after everything with Trudy it was nice to have some good news, especially when it meant the hunt they seemed to be on. Though this celebration dulled once again when they headed down to breakfast and saw the kitchen in chaos as everyone tried to fend for themselves. Camilla made her way straight to the kettle in the corner knowing she could watch the chaos from there and still make herself tea.

"Who's eaten all the cereal?" Amber demanded as she shook the empty box, though she was ignored as Alfie and Jerome wrestled with the pot in the sink, Mara tried to pour herself juice, Fabian tried to make toast for everyone with Nina's help in getting butter and jams. The chaos was at its peak. With everyone yelling at everyone else, Camilla couldn't help but laugh at the whole thing as she calmly poured her tea and added a small drop of milk from the container she had grabbed off Mick as he walked past – leaning against the cabinet to watch it all unfold. To her, this was like seeing her daily thoughts come to life, all chaos all the time. But that's what came with being one of the few people who seemed to know what was going on at Anubis house all the time.

"STOP!" Fabian finally shouted, and the room fell silent just to hear Camilla's small chuckles from the corner, causing all eyes to look at her. Camilla rolled her eyes and pushed off from the cabinet and stood next to her brother.

"We can't go on like this anymore, no matter how amusing it is to watch," Camilla informed them all.

"We're going to starve," Fabian added for his twin.

"We need Trudy back," Patricia agreed.

"And those cameras taken down," Nina added.

"We need to show them we mean business." Patricia spoke up, looking around at them all, as they all slowly tried to fix their uniforms and finish getting dressed (tying ties, pulling on jumpers, etc.) "And I know exactly how to do it." She looked around at them all, and the gleam in her eye scared Camilla but she was at the point – so was everyone else it seemed – that they would do anything to have the house go back to normal again.

Patricia's plan was yet another protest, this time however instead of standing on chairs, they all sat around the dining room table, working so even though the school had already started people like Nina, Mara, and Fabian wouldn't lose sleep over the missed lessons. It took Victor 30 minutes before he came barging into the dining room, looking over them all before demanding, "What is going on here? Get to your lessons immediately."

"Not until you've taken down the security cameras," Patricia told him.

"And brought Trudy back," Nina butted in.

"And got softer toilet paper." Amber decided to add much to the amusement of everyone around the table, especially when Patricia and Nina looked her way with confused expressions, "What? As long as we are making demands..." Amber explained quietly.

"You dare deliver ultimatums, to me?" Victor hissed, looking around at them all, noticing some of them shifted in their seats but most of them sat still and strong. "I'll soon bring you all to your senses when I speak to Mr Sweet about having you all thrown out of school."

This caused Camilla to roll her eyes and it seemed Patricia was having a similar thought to her as the girl vocalised what she was thinking, "You don't have the power."

When the man didn't speak, Camilla sat up and looked him in the eye, "Wait, do you?"

"Oh miss Rutter, Miss Williamson," Victor looked over the two, his voice was soft but there was a sharpness to it which made the girls want to shudder, "I have more power than you could ever imagine." With that, he looked around the rest of the table, "Now get to school, all of yours, unless you are prepared to suffer the consequences."

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