"You bought me a model car."

"It's dumb. I saw it and assumed you would like it because you always loved putting together model cars while growing up. When I asked your mom, she looked at me like I was an idiot. I'm sorry that it's a stupid gift, and I'm a horrible girlfriend." I shifted my eyes away from his face to my feet.

"It's outstanding."

My head snapped up. "What?"

"The gift you gave me is outstanding. You bought me something that I love."

"So, you're not mad about a cheesy model car."

"Mad? Why would I be mad? No girl thought about my gift. The other girls that I had dated considered it a stupid hobby." He sighed.

"But you always loved putting model cars together. You would sit for hours."

"You get that." He reached over and took my hand. "Patty, you bought me something keeping me in mind, knowing it's something I would love and enjoy. That doesn't make a gift stupid but special because you thought of me."

I didn't know what to say. People always say it's the thought that counts, and I didn't realize what it meant until now. I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my head into him. He wrapped his arms around me as I mumbled, "I love you."


I lifted my head and looked into his eyes. "I love you."

"Well, two gifts for the price of one. How about that?"

That was the first time I had told Nate that I loved him. When he told me, I never said it back to him. The words scared me, but what he said about my gift made me realize I loved him.

Three simple words, but with so much meaning behind them. How could I not love Nate? Nate has shown me how to care about someone. He never pushed me into doing something I wasn't comfortable with doing. He enjoys listening to me — age doesn't matter. I would take him being older than a guy my age.

"I want to take you for a drive. The city is having a light festival."

"Hmm, being in a warm car with you while looking at pretty lights. That sounds good to me." I smiled.

"Grab your coat."

I let go of him so that I could put on my coat. He grabbed my winter coat and zipped it, letting his fingers linger a little longer. I became light-headed and excited at the same time. I'm sure that I'm fangirling over him.

"Come on, Betty Crocker. We have lights to see." He took my hand and led me out of my room. To look at Nate was blissful, not to mention he smelled amazing. Yep, I got it bad for the oldest Gray boy.


He drove to the light festival, and we got out of the car. Wait. I assumed that we were staying in the car. Damn it.



"I figured that we were staying in the car where there's heat! It's twenty degrees outside!"

"It's forty!"

"Feels like twenty."

"I guess that means you must cuddle close, won't it?" He smirked.

"Fine, but you're buying me hot cocoa." I pointed my finger at him.

"Drinking a hot chocolate beverage and cuddling with a beautiful girl is fine." He shrugged. My body was on fire even though it was forty degrees outside. Well, shit.

He had an extra pair of gloves and a hat. Although the hat was way too big, I looked absurd. At least it's warm.

Nate walked over to the concession stand and bought two hot cocoas while I looked at the lights. I took my small sips, then used the cup to warm my hands.

Someone said, "I thought we would find you here."

We turned to see his family.

"Well, Betty Crocker was having issues with the cold." He smirked.

"Yeah, well, he made me think that we were staying in the car."

They snickered.

Then I realized Grayson was with them. Oh, dear God. I had met him a few times, but he was always working.

Grayson Gray was a no-nonsense man. He always took his boys in hand because they got into trouble. Grayson was tall and built with steel-grey eyes like Nate, and Nate was a mini version of his dad. He had a gruffness about him that scared the living daylights out of people. I'm sure he disapproves of the age difference between Nate and me.

Then Grayson did something unexpected.


"Huh? What?"

"Are you having a pleasant time?"

"Oh. Yep. The best."

"Can I have a word with you?"

"Oh, uh...." I didn't get to finish before the boys shoved me towards their father. Thanks. There's nothing like feeding me to the lion.

We walked away from them, and he turned to me. "So, I hear you and my son have been dating and are a couple."

"Well, it looks that way."

He stared at me. "I'll say this once. So, listen up."

My eyes widened.

"You're an honorable person, and Lucille speaks well of you, as do the rest of our boys."

"Okay." Where was he going with this?

"You're a good influence on Nathaniel, and I approve of this relationship."

"So, it doesn't bother you that there is an age gap between us?" I couldn't help but ask.

"No. Girls mature faster than boys. Plus, I watched you grow up."


"Patricia, take excellent care of my boy." He walked away.

What the hell?

Nate walked over to me. "What was that about?"

"Your dad gave me his blessing to be with you."

"That is a first."

"What do you mean?"

"Dad has never approved of any girl I brought home, and Ma tolerated them. But you, well, you're something special." He smiled.

My cheeks heated, and he turned me to face him.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and looked at me. "And you're mine."

I smiled. To hear Nate say, you're mine, made me realize how serious this was. I didn't care because I loved being Nate's, and it was enough.

The Gray Brothers: The Beginning✔️ (Kindle version)Where stories live. Discover now